January 15, 1999
Cedar Key, Florida
The following students attended the BB party on January 15, 1999.
The party was for those who achieved Honor Roll for the second 9 weeks of school.
Cindy Maddox and Sonya Fisher provided the food and organized the games.
We congratulate these students for their hard work and effort.
8th Grade:
Flo Jean Bason, Jared Bevis, Brian Bible, Ketelyn Moore (4.0), Natasha Navazi (4.0), Daniel Sharp, Jeffrey Zeigler, Anthony DiMaggio, Jake Fredericks (4.0), Amber Garden, Clayton Haire, and Josh Allen.
7th Grade:
James Bainbridge, Rita Borelli (4.0), Hunter Brown, Whitney Edmunds, Lisa Fine, Katie Garner, Richie Hanley, Chris Colbath, Rachel Girdler, Ryan Hinote, Holly Jones, Shannon Jordan, Lyn Perry (4.0), Michael Watson, Julie Yearty (4.0), and Jennifer Zeigler.
6th Grade:
William Alford, Flecia Fine, Brandon Fisher, Laura Hodges, Zac Hollifield, Josh Maddox, Orion McNulty and Jeremy Philabaum.