May 21, 1962
Morgantown, Indiana
Morgantown School Honor Roll
Morgantown Lists 34 On Honor Roll
MORGANTOWN - Thirty-four students at Morgantown School have been named to the Honor Roll for achievement during the second semester, according to John Hynds, principal.
Listed from grade 12 are Carol Collier, Shirley Gaulden, Pat Hiatt, Patsy Nemeth, James Roush and Sandra Weaver.
Tamara Baird and Carole Wolkins are named to the honor roll from grade 11.
From grade 10 are Barbara Culver, Brenda Bauman and Colleen Leck.
Ninth Grade students indude Susan Cullen, Peggy Fox, Rhonda Roush, Tommy Hickman, Mike Housand and Morris Kemp.
Eighth Grade Students
Those from grade Eight are Steve Farmer, Donna Olston, Danny Owens, Steven Ratliff, Don Schoolcraft, Jo Ellen Smith, Karen Weaver, Hollis Weaver and John Zupansic.
Grade Seven students are Rita Denny, Nancy Edminson, Donna Gault, Jimmy Nemeth, Loyce Pickerel, Susan Satter, Leonard Thompson and Nancy Weaver.
In addition to all the students mentioned above, several more were named to the Honor Roll for the last six weeks grading period.
They are: Sammy Hoagland and Barbara Parks, grade Seven; Marci Fesler, grade Eight; Joanne Coark, June Clephane, Brenda Smith, Joyce Voyles, Diana Wilson and Eugene Hill, grade Nine.
Also, Maria Denny, Carol Lower, John Rihm and Linda Smyth, grade Ten; Sandra Calvert, Micki Evans and Donna Satter, grade 11; and Steve Cullen, Allen Gibbs, Marilyn Quakenbush, and Norman Stockton, grade 12.