April 27, 2007
Vineland, New Jersey
The following students were named to the Principal's List for the third marking period of the 2006-2007 school year at Vineland Public Schools.
Vineland High School - North
Ninth grade
Bryan Alvarado, Ashley Andrews, David Anusontarangkul, Angel Beltran, Jessica Bertoldi, Abigail Bertonazzi, Scott Bishop, Sacha Borrero, Brian Browne, Kerry Cerana, Song Chen, Noah Cook, Shantail Cox, Anthony Deon, Amanda Escobar, Rachel Feltman, Sophia Garrahan, Monique Hibbert, Brittany Hostler, Bethany Johnson, Pahola Juan, Katie Leonelli, Chelsea Marcacci, Michael Martinez, Rosa Melillo, Jessica Moratelli, Ashton Nelson, Maria Ocampo, Amber Opromollo, Amanda Parks, Atisha Patel, Devang Patel, Justin Petronglo, Jeffrey Pilla, Dana Polo, Melanie Rivera, Sindi Rivera, Jennifer Rodriguez, Brian Rowan, Nicole Schreiber, Rebecca Sheridan, Natasha Sotnychuk, Eliza Torres and Dyanne Valverde.
10th grade
Justin Acosta, Josue Adorno, Hannah Ahrens, Kaitlynn Arena, Maria Berezin, Ashlee Brown, Christopher Castellini, Carla Catrambone, Carli Cherwien, Paul Cohen, Amanda Creech, Lauren Daplyn, Katlin Davis, Victoria Druziako, Jessica Dzindzio, Vincent Filippi, Andrea Handy, Laura Heller, Pak Ho, Maritza Jimenez, Sheyda Karvar, Samuel Kaslon, Francesca Mainiero, Inna Nechay, Elisabeth Nuhfer, Danielle Owens, Dana Parks, Abhijit Parmar, Krystal Pettek, Sonal Puri, Herminio Quinones, Linda Rodriguez, Kayry Segarra, Breana Sept, Mandeep Singh, Brandon Tomasso, Stephanie Vicente-Nieves, Vincent Vita and Meghan Wolfe.