MISSISSIPPI - Raymond - Hinds County Area High School Honor Roll - October 17, 1924
Posted By: Honor Students Archive Date: Wednesday, 12 March 2025, at 2:48 p.m.
October 17, 1924
Raymond, Mississippi
The following is a list of the honor roll of students attending the Hinds County A. H. S.
Students taking four or more courses, making a grade of 80 or above, and having no demerits charged against them, achieve the honor roil. Students making 90 and above on all work, with a minimum of four courses, with no demerits, achieve the honor roll with distinction. The following young ladies and gentlemen are thus entitled to the special mention of the A.H.S. superintendent, and to the compliments of the teachers and students.
Alma Berry, Edna Berryhill, Audrey Blocksom, Mary Brown, Dixie Collins, Laura Collins, Evelyn Casper, Elizabeth Ferguson, Wilmot Gibbs, Lucille Greaves, C. Alice Hamilton, Elmer Lee Hand, Lela Lawrence, Elizabeth Montgomery, Mary George McGee, Martha McManus, Beatrice McGee, Lucille McNair, Margaret Osborn, Ruth Quinn, Martha Louise Rugg, Nellie Mae Touchstone, Marie Underwood, Maude Wynn, Sara Johnson, Irma Lancaster.
Cecil Allen, John B. Grant, Philip Catchings, Bernard Chapman, Charles Heitman, Harvey Lewis, Alden McNair, Baldwyn Newman, Lawrence Penn, Willie O. Rhymes, James Smith, John C. Williams, Dan Williams, Marvin Collum, James Gates, Hubert Summers, L. D. Mobley (Distinction.)