1997-1998 School Year
Delmar, New York
Saint Thomas the Apostle School
St. Thomas announces honor roll achievers
Saint Thomas the Apostle School's first quarter honor roll has been announced.
5th Grade
Bethany Barrowman, Cecelia Corrigan, Jenna Crandall,
Julie Deitz, Andrea Fasulo, Danielle Hallenbeck,
Kerry Kershaw, Jocelyn Lescarbeau, Peter Maggiore,
Emily Malinowski, Bernard McCall, Jessica Muller,
Alexandra Prince, Regina Rana, Lauren Strait,
Andrew Touchette, Matthew Turo, Lillian Van Dyke-Restifo,
and Brian Wendth.
6th Grade
Jaqueline Clay, Abigail Corwin, Bridget Daley,
Meredith DeFlumer, Andrea Ederhardt, Vanessa Gamarra,
Colleen Heilsberg, Evan Kalman, Timothy Kieper,
Reynald Lescarbeau, Evan Marsh, Annemarie Papandrea,
Lisa Papandrea, Kera Pilger, Michael Rana,
Jonathan Richardson, Erica Roccario, Kevin Royo,
Patrick Smith, William Spadola, William Ting,
Keith Traver, Tracy Wereb, and Autumn Wood.
7th Grade
Julie Capron, Jacquelyn Cary, Christa Clay,
Joseph Clyne, Frances Ford, Peter Fouhy,
Susannah Kelly, Jamie Kieper, Megan Kindlon,
Sean Lichoroweic, Kimberly McCall, Lindsay McCluskey,
Justine Moreau, Jessica Murphy, Jessica Schubmehl,
James Tougher, Justine Van Dyke-Restifo, Thomas Wisley,
and Angela Zullo.
8th Grade
Melissa Brady, Nicole Comi, Ashlee Coye,
Emily Crandall, Christopher Deitz, Usa DiStefano,
Megan Dole, Michelle Fido, Aimee Gould,
Katherine Gould, Catherine Luke, Danielle Moreau,
Stephanie Morse, Michael Nuttall, Jeffrey Ricchiuti,
Michael Ricchiuti, Stephanie Thomas, and Maggie Touchette.