Honor roll for the third nine weeks of classes at Thompson Community School was released this week by school administrators.
Seniors named to the honor roll are:
Janeen Ahnernann, Mark Alphs, Donalle Bell, Laurie Block, Vivian Braadland, Deb Christenson, Marcia Farland, Gary Graber, Kathy Hanson, Liz Jacobson, Sue Kroeze, Larry Moklestad, Cindy Olson, Allan Peebles, Lana Potter, Lonnie Potter, Torstein Schee, Cynthia Stenberg, Margot Sterrenberg, John Thorson and Robyn Topp.
Eleventh grade honor roll students are:
Mike Branstad, Linda Dugby, Diane Fure, Linda Gossman, Bonnie Halverson, Jaci Johnson, James Rasmussen, Larry Rasmussen and James Thorson.
Tenth graders on the honor roll are:
Wendall Finer, Kent Johanson, Sandy Johnson, Kathy Julius, Gayle Norstrud, Janet Pederson, Jane Sill and Janet Skogen.
Ninth grade honor roll students are:
Karla Boyer, Kevin Finer, Debbie Johnson, Kurt Lemme, Mike Missman, Lorie Pederson and Kim Swenson.
The following eigth graders were named to the honor roll:
Carolyn Block, Jim Branstad, Donna Elvebak, Mark Flatrud, Sharon Graber, Susan Halverson, Patty Hanson, Donna Osheim, Duane Robinson, Pam Ryerson and Nancy Sauer.
Seventh graders on the honor roll are:
Joni Berven, Tim Finer, Kent Gossman, Dorene Jacobs, Todd Jacobson, Loree Meyer, Mary Jane Miller, Shelly Missman, Tim Olson, Tammy Swenson, Cynthia Thorland, Karla Wiemers and Kary Olson.