Nine young adults, eight juniors and one senior, were recently inducted into the North Iowa Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Ceremonies took place February 26 [1999] at North Iowa High School.
The new inductees were, seated from left, junior Mitch Christiansen, Erik Hagedorn, Scott Venteicher and Ida Risius.
Standing are juniors Abby Steffensen and Angela Friesenborg, senior Imke Jansen (honorary), and juniors Dani Matthias and Sarah Fuller.
Current National Honor Society members at NIHS include Brooke Aukes, Heather Beenken, Brooke Boeckholt, Becky Brooker, Dustin Coy, Amanda Friesenborg, Carmen Garst, Jessica Heyer, Rachel Heyer, Heidi Jensvold, Mindy Kakacek, Jeremy Moklestad, Scott Siemens, Peter Smith, Kristin Van Hove and Jennifer Wilson.
Advisors are Sure Peake and Steve Sievert.
Supt. Larry Hill and Principal Lynn Evans also participated in the ceremony.