May 23, 1985
Woodruff honor roll
The following students from Woodruff High School have been named to the fifth six-weeks honor roll based upon grade point average earned in all classes, with the top 5 percent of those students being recognized in each class:
Seniors —
Yen Thi Ho, Teresa Hodel, Bruce Hoerr, Eric Johnson, Michelle Knoblett, Angela Pini, James Richmond, Elizabeth Sedrel, Cathy Varley and Elly Wear.
Juniors —
Linda Citcher, Deborah Davis, Valerie Keller, Tracy Krause, Daniel Mansfield, Sarah McDade, William Mudra, Vuong Ngo Duc, Keith Paterson and Theresa Yetton.
Sophomores —
Jeffrey Arahood, Robert Burns, Bradley Cullen, Charlotte Davis, Clark Ellison, Norma Garza, Jack Johnson, Elizabeth Landers, Melissa Mooberry, Leanne Sissel, Renae White, Mark Woody and Stephen Worsfold.
Freshmen —
John Chowaniak, Melissa Couch, Jennifer Cowan, David Ellison, William Hamilton, Donald Ham Montree, Phouvong Khamdeng, Sheila Monti-Reising, Leanne Nieukirk, Chad Pfeifer, Zoe Prillinger, Jerry Randall, Wayne Theobald Jr. and Alvina Watson.