1961-1962 School Year
Fairbanks, Alaska
Main Junior High School
Honor Roll - 3rd Six Weeks
Alaska School Yearbooks by County
Main Honor Roll Students
Mary Gatzkiewiez and Carol Horutz, eighth graders at Main Junior High School, have qualified for the third six week "A" honor roll by earning a 4.0 grade point average.
One seventh grader at Main, Chena Mattix, also qualified for the "A" honor roll.
Eighty-seven other eighth grade students at Main earned a 3.0 grade point average and became eligible for the third six weeks "B" honor roll.
They are:
Jeanne Banks, Barbara Benitz, Carolyn Bernston, Charles Binkley, Janice BirkIid, Richard Burnett, Beverly Burnitt and Dale Bolz, Frank Cannon, Pamela Cauley, Carol Choat, Linda Cogdill, Gerald Colp, Ann Crow, Sa!ly Deanne, Claudia Douglas, Freddi Fenton, Jo Ellen Folz, and Rudee Fuller, Diane Gaffi, Frank Gordon, James Green, Carol Griffin, Mike Grabe, Martin Gutoski, Claudia Hambright, Mike Harris, George Haskins, David Heflinger, Loyd Hering, Suzanne Herning, Mike Hildebrand and Sill Hupprich, Curtis Johnson, Robert Johnson, Dan Jones, James Joy, Penny Kaliler, David Kilbourn, Patricia Kleinbach, Robert Kosky, David Kuhns and Lewis Laska, James Makin, Harvey Marlin, John Martin, Lisa May, Larry Meath, Janice Millison, Janelie Mitchell, Judy Mitchell, Margaret Mizell, and Floyd Nicholas, James Olinger, Lauris Olson, Clayton Pankratz, James Parrish, Harold Parker, James Payne, Lloyd Pflueger, Gordon Mares, Richard Rahoi, Karen Ranspot, Marilyn Reimer, Sylvie Savage, Sandra Schuette, Arnold Seay, Wesley Parader, Cantues Sims, Beatrice Slotnick, Richard Somanduroff, Darwon Stoneman, Sam Strait, Linda Strocker, Kent Sturgis, James Sullivan, John Sweet, Joseph Thomas, George Trichak, Jean Twogood, Cynthia Uotila, Louise Wenholz, Jon Widdis, Jack Wilbur, Laura Wilde, Vickie Wisel and Mark Wood.
Seventy-three seventh grade students at Main earned a 3.0 average and became eligible for the third six weeks "B" honor roll.
Students are:
Ryan Anderson, Larrel Bagger, Bruce Baker, Rita Barber, Richard Beaumiey, Ralph Beistline, Albert Bell, Diana Bentley, Sharon Berry, Anita Bickers, Mary Brown, Fat Brown, Rebecca Burdine, Alice Carroll, Charles Chambers, Allen Cheeck, Robin Cogdill, Kathleen Becker, Barbara DeSpain, Kathy Doolin, James Dryden, Guy Eades, Rosalinda Flores, Dianne Fox, Lynn Gilbert, Delores Glascoe, Sandra Gray, Linda Gritmaker, Beverly Hall, Pamela Hansen, Dale Hanson, Karen Hart, Georgeann Hartley, Vickie Hendrie, Colleen Herning, Shirley Jenkins, Donna Johnson, Alan Kendal, Pamela Koeler, Julie Lomen, Peggy Martin, Colleen Matilla, Peter May, Robert McDouglas, Betty Ann McRoberts Gary Miller, Darlene Mohr, Susan Moririty, Carol Muller, Gary Nussbaumer, Teddy Palmer, William Penn, Pamela Perkins, Sarah Prince, Toni Pronesti, Shari Quest, Katha Ray, Retha Revells, Jane Richards, Thomas Richards, Lowell Roberts, Cheryl Rohrbaugh, Peter Sandberg, Gary Severance, Judith Shore, Rich Spencer, Margaret Sims, Patricia Tanner, Howard Theis, Ralph Tryon, Robin Warren, Nita Washburn, Jody Wescott, Diane Whitefield, Nancy Wilbur, Terry Wilson, Arnold Wrede.