1997-1998 School Year
Blair, Nebraska
Blair High School
Honor Roll - 3rd Quarter
Nebraska School Yearbooks by County
Students named to Blair High Honor Roll
Freshmen named to the Blair High School Honor Roll for the third quarter include:
Abbi Andersen, Kiley Bair, Kandice Blair, Christian Bonello, Erin Campbell, Bonnie Charette, Jacob Christensen, Jessica Ciurej, Jennifer Coe, Jodi Collicott, Brooke Cunard, Brent Duey, Kyle Fitch, Matt Frye, Ashley Grace, Danielle Gray, Angie Guinan, Aaron Haack, Aimee Hall, Rance Johnson, Hailey Joslin, Jesse Kelley, Brandon Kempcke, Philip Kennedy, Katie Knudtson, Casey Larsen, Alecia Lawson, Erin Lewis, Aaron Loyd, Nicole Luxa, Nicole Glaser and Anna Hundtoft.
Other freshmen named to the Blair High School Honor Roll for the third quarter are:
Maria Mencke, Jessica Nelson, Kimberly Nichols, Isaac Norton, Lea O'Dell, Jill Olson, Melissa Olson, Tracy Ortmeier, Ryan Pemberton, Leah Pence, Scott Ptacnik, Michael Ralrick, Jenny Rasmussen, Bret Royster, Eric Rubeck, Nicholas Rubeck, Ryan Ruhge, Ryan Sass, Matthew Schmidt, Marcy Sherwin, Megan L. Smith, Nathan Smith, Melanie Stodola, Jonathan Swanson, Andrew Sweeney, Adam Triplett, Walker Wilkins, Nick Wittry, Abby Woodring, Tammy Yttri, Carie Mann, Jody Olson, John Proksel, Calli Smith, Andrea Ware and Kori Williamsen.
Sophomores named to the Blair High School Honor Roll for the third quarter include:
Trisha Anderson, Angela Becker, Jennifer Belles, Cassandra Berg, Amanda Boeka, Philip Boll, Brent Brummer, Jessica Bryan, Erin Burgess, Rachel Burgher, Lisa Burrows, Miranda Cade, Kelia Churchill, Kurtis Churchill, Jenny Collicott, Rachel Cullen, Tyson Deklavs, Jessica Eriksen, Douglas Foral, Russell Fude, Andrew Gerdes, Jessica Hall, Jessica Hardy, Patrick Heimann, Brian Hindley, Valerie Hindley, Kristan Janning, Matthew Jensen, Taryn Jensen, Timothy Jensen, Charles Kaplan, Sharon Kermoade and Jenna Flynn.
Other sophomores named to the Blair High School Honor Roll for the third quarter include:
Patrick Mackin, Shaun Maloney, Joanna Marek, Kristy Milan, Evan Moorhead, Jeffrey Nieto, Amy Olsen, Sherri Olson, Chelsea Phillippe, Megan Pleak, Brain Sass, Lisa Scheve, Michael Schmid, Megan E. Smith, Suzanne Sobota, Dreyson, Keri Sonderup, Ryan Sulhoff, Angela Swaney, Jason Thiemann, Brett Thompson, Karen Vanecek, Andrea Vercruysse, Sara Waugh, Kendra Weigelt, Amanda Welchert, Jami Willis, Elizabeth Woldruff, Heather Wonders, Eric Wulf, Kyle Wulf, Brad Teager and Barbara Valnion.
Juniors named to the Blair High School Honor Roll for the third quarter include:
Adrienne Auch, Jasmyn Beard, Stacy Biddle, Jennifer Bock, Jeremy Bohaboj, Tanya Breitkreutz, Joshua Campbell, Amy Cavanah, Marie Christiansen, Nisse Christopherson, Scott Cook, Emily Edson, Jean Ferring, Andrew Gregory, Sarah Henneman, Renae Isakson, Brad Jensen, Eva Jones, April Jorgensen, Heather Kaslon, Bridget Campbell, Amanda Davey, Laura Engen, Jacque Hall and Amy Herman.
Juniors also named to the Blair High School Honor Roll for the third quarter include:
Kathleen Larkin, Amanda Larkowski, Derek Lippincott, Stacey Loseke, Daniel Loyd, Tammy Miller, Brand Newland, Jessica Nichols, Marta Niziolek, Katie O'Neill, Scott Pearson, Elizabeth Perrigo, Troy Ray, Christopher Rhoades, Andrew Sather, Heather Saylor, Susan Steinke, Matthew Thomas, Janice Tierney, Nicole Wanger, Alicia Widtfeldt, Joshua Willmott, Laura Patterson, Heidi Puckett and Katherine Schmid.
Seniors named to the Blair High School Honor Roll for the third quarter include:
Rachel Ahrens, Gary Andersen, Courtney Bair, Eric Belles, Jamie Borsh, Brett Brown, Brian Brown, Kelli Brummer, Andrew Cerio, Nathan Christensen, Erin Coffey, Jennifer Cordle, William Cunard, David Drew, Jennifer Eriksen, Dua Finney, Natalie Flynn, Matthew Foral, Laura Fryman, Sarah Gibson, Heather Gill, Katie Goeken, Beth Hansen, Haley Hansen, Leigh Havekost, Kari Hendrickson, Heidi Henricksen, Melinda Herzberg, Kandi Hibbs, Durant Hins, Paul Horky, Amy Huey, Tony Hundtoft, Sara Jensen, Lindsay Johannes, Tony Johnsen, Jessica Kistler, Jay Christiansen and Joseph Ferring.
Other seniors named to the Blair High School Honor Roll for the third quarter include:
Joseph Kunes, Heather Lakin, Amy Lau, Anne Laughery, Emily Mahlendorf, Mitchell Mathiesen, Brook Matthews, Todd Maxwell, Kurtis McManigal, Anne Mencke, Mark Missell, Nichole Murphy, Susanne Novak, Anna Paulsen, Angela Peterson, Tanya Pinquoch, Mitchell Pleak, Sarah Rasmussen, Crystal Ray, Rachel Ronning, Philip Sass, Joseph Scheve, Eric Shanahan, Jacque Shores, Brian Smith, Greg Stewart, Alicia Sweeney, Kiley Thompson, Rebecca Vanecek, Erin Wachter, Jennifer Woltkamp, Kelly Wulf, Andrew Yttri, Mathew Kuhr, Kathleen Moucka, Michelle Ortmeier, Amanda Peterson and Joe Sedlacek.