Blair, Nebraska
Dated Tuesday, May 20, 1997
Nebraska School Yearbooks by County
Blair High School students recognized
The following achievements and activities were recently made by Blair Jr. / Sr. High School students:
The Blair High Quiz Bowl placed fifth at the annual Peru State College Quiz Bowl championships.
Team A tied for fifth out of a field of 42 teams.
The Exchange Club of Omaha named Marie Christiansen an Outstanding Sophomore.
State VICA officers Mandee Berg and Dua Finney were elected secretary and historian respectively for the Nebraska State Vocational and Industrial Clubs of America at the recent state convention.
Blair High School will again induct six students and one group award into the Blair High School Hall of Fame.
The Hall of Fame is intended to give equal recognition to those students who have distinguished themselves in academic and athletic endeavors.
Students that will be recognized this year are Adam Acker, academic distinction, 1997; Gabe Weigelt, academic distinction, 1997; Jennifer Hansen, academic distinction, 1997; Brian Knudtson, academic distinction, 1997; Andy Waite, All State, Class B soccer, 1996; Matt Bostwick, All State, Class B football, 1995 and 1996.
The journalism state champions, Class B 1997, earned the school's group award.
Blair High School students Jaime Borsch, Kiley Olson, Nate Suverkrubbe, Kelly Wulf, Erin Wachter, Heidi Hendrickson, Brandi Frahm, Mindi Herzberg and social studies teacher Mr. Mark Williams spent a week in March in Washington, D.C.
The students and their instructor participated in the Close-Up Washington program and a series of seminars and workshops that showed them close up how the government works.
They met with Rep. Doug Bereuter and Sens. Bob Kerrey and Chuck Hagel, government aides, members of various interest groups and journalists. They also toured Washington.