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KENTUCKY - Lewisport - Hancock County High School Academic Recognition - 2000-2001

Posted By: Honor Students Archive
Date: Monday, 2 September 2024, at 4:07 a.m.

2000-2001 School Year

Lewisport, Kentucky

Hancock County High School

End of Year Academic Recognition

Kentucky School Yearbooks by County

Members of the Hancock County High School graduating class of 2001 earned the following awards and honors.

Commonwealth Diploma -- Amanda Daniele Brown, Grant Glenn Carpenter, Ashley Renee Dawson, Trina Lynn Estes, Megan Lynn Gaynor, Carla Marie Goodwin, Scotty Griffin Gorman Jr., Susan Janelle Mingus, Lindsey Danielle Smith, Steven Adam Vanover.

Senior Beta Club members -- Jason T. Bratcher, Amanda Daniele Brown, Kayla Ann Brown, Jeremy W. Corley, Christopher Lee Craft, Ashley Renee Dawson, Tamara Dawn Estes, Trina Lynn Estes, Megan Lynn Gaynor, Carla Marie Goodwin, Scotty Griffin Gorman Jr., Jennifer Kaye Howard, Sharla Lynnette Howard, Erin Leigh Lautner, Susan Janelle Mingus, Jason Matthew Morris, Bradley Neil Osborne, Jason Derek Pritchard, Sara Katherin Rice, Toshia Lynn Sanders, Lori Beth Shultz, Joseph Steven Sila, Lindsey Danielle Smith, Philip Scott Swihart, Tamara Kay Swihart, Ashley Grace Toler, Ashley Lynn Tongate, Steven Adam Vanover, Aaron Curtis Wallace.

-- HCHS graduates have accepted the following scholarships:

Adam Dewane Arnold -- HCHS Boys' Basketball Scholarship.

Jason T. Bratcher -- Commonwealth Aluminum Scholarship, All "A" Scholarship, Aces Gun Shop Scholarship, Ray Kroc Achievement Award Scholarship, John D. Puckett Memorial Scholarship, Hancock County Chamber of Commerce Science Scholarship, Friends of the School Scholarship.

Benjamin T. Brown -- Wes Morris Memorial Scholarship.

Amanda Daniele Brown -- HCHS Girls' Basketball Scholarship, Dustin Hay Memorial Scholarship, R. and D. Mayfield Memorial Scholarship, Patty and Leroy Lamar Scholarship.

Grant Glenn Carpenter -- Hancock County Chamber of Commerce Overall Scholarship, Patty and Leroy Lamar Scholarship.

Daniel Allen Coombs -- Lincoln Trail Cruiser Scholarship.

Jeremy W. Corley -- Hancock County Farm Supply Scholarship.

Christopher Lee Craft -- Dawson Mayfield Memorial Scholarship, Harold W. Newton Local Attorney Scholarship.

Shawna Janelle Crowder -- Hancock County Extension Homemakers Club Scholarship, Judge Jack McCaslin Scholarship.

Ashley Renee Dawson -- TDS Telecom Scholarship, Hancock County Chamber of Commerce Math Scholarship.

Ashley Denae Driskell -- Kentucky Community Faculty Union Scholarship.

Trina Lynn Estes -- Mary Basinger Scholarship, Joyce Griffin Memorial Scholarship, Hancock County High School Yearbook Scholarship, Sheriff Dale Bozarth Scholarship.

James Simmons "Bo" Fallin -- Lewisport Lions Club Scholarship.

Carla Marie Goodwin -- Commonwealth Aluminum Scholarship, Principal Leadership Scholarship, Hancock County High School PTO Scholarship.

Scotty Griffin Gorman Jr. -- Tammy Hylton Scholarship, Hancock County High School Yearbook Scholarship.

Nicholas Aaron Harley -- Glenn and Wilma Lambert Band Scholarship, HCHS Band John Philip Sousa Scholarship.

Dustin Seth Hartman -- Cheri Westerfield Burback Memorial Scholarship, Dr. Rosemary Emmick Optometrist Scholarship.

Jennifer Kaye Howard -- Kentucky Tech Governor's Scholarship.

Erin Leigh Lautner -- All "A" Scholarship.

Susan Janelle Mingus -- HCHS Reading Club Scholarship, HCHS Spanish Club Scholarship, Hancock County High School Softball Scholarship.

Jason Matthew Morris -- HCHS Basketball Scholarship.

Bradley Neil Osborne -- Dr. Rosemary Emmick Optometrist Scholarship.

Jason Derek Pritchard -- HCHS Band John Philip Sousa Scholarship, J.B. Troutman Memorial Scholarship.

Jared Dane Ramsey -- National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship.

Sara Katherine Rice -- Wes Morris Memorial Scholarship.

James Simeon Roberts -- Kentucky Tech Governor's Scholarship, Friends of the School Scholarship.

Toshia Lynn Sanders -- Judge Ralph and Dorothy Boling Scholarship.

Lori Beth Shultz -- Russell House Insurance Scholarship, Ohio Valley Chiropractor Scholarship, HCHS FBLA Scholarship, Jackie Jewell Memorial Girls' Basketball Scholarship.

Joseph Steven Sila -- HCHS Technology Club Scholarship, HCHS Quarterback Club Scholarship, Jackie Jewell Memorial Boys' Football Scholarship, HCHS Art Club Scholarship.

Lindsey Danielle Smith -- Hancock Education Association Scholarship.

Phillip Scott Swihart -- Sheriff Dale Bozarth Scholarship.

Tamara Kay Swihart -- Phillip Johnson Memorial Scholarship, Hancock County High School Beta Club Scholarship.

Steven Adam Vanover -- Hancock County Superintendent Scholarship.

David Kyle Veach -- National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship.

Jennifer Ann Waggoner -- Wes Morris Memorial Scholarship, Harold W. Newton Local Attorney Scholarship.

Aaron Curtis Wallace -- George Basinger Scholarship, Phillip Johnson Memorial Scholarship, HCHS 4-H Scholarship, Hancock County High School Beta Club Scholarship, WFIE/Fifth Third Bank Scholarship.

Daniel Allen White -- Lewisport Lions Club Scholarship.

Julie Anne White -- Lewisport Pharmacy Scholarship.

-- Senior awards were as follows:

Anna Michelle Allen -- Highest Achievement Honor Award, Media II; Communications/Language Arts Department Award, Media II; Business Vocational Certificate, Administrative Support.

Adam Dewane Arnold -- Business Vocational Certificates, General Clerical.

Justin G. Basham -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Bradley Adam Beatty -- Yearbook Layout Editor; One Year Perfect Attendance.

Annette M. Bratcher -- Highest Achievement Honor Award, Composition I; Communications/Language Arts Department Award, Composition I; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical; Quill Editor-in-Chief.

Jason T. Bratcher -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Four Years Perfect Attendance, Nine Years Total Perfect Attendance; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Social Studies; Faculty Choice Award; Math Department Award, AP Calculus; Senior Academic Team Member.

Amanda Daniele Brown -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Social Studies Department Award, Criminal Justice; Yearbook Academics Editor.

Benjamin T. Brown -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Four Years Perfect Attendance; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Kayla Ann Brown -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Four Years Perfect Attendance; Yearbook Clubs and Organizations Editor.

Timothy D. Brown -- Faculty Choice Award; Health Careers/Health and PE Department Award, Physical Education IV; Three Years Perfect Attendance.

Grant Glenn Carpenter -- One Year Perfect Attendance; Senior Academic Team Member.

Daniel Allen Coombs -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Jeremy W. Corley -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Science Department Award, Physics; Science Department Award, Structured Programming.

Christopher Lee Craft -- President's Award for Educational Achievement, Outstanding Academic Achievement; Four Years Perfect Attendance.

Shawna Janelle Crowder -- Faculty Choice Award; Four Years Perfect Attendance; Business Vocational Certificate, Information Processing.

Deanna Mae Davidson -- Quill Art Editor.

Ashley Renee Dawson -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; 4.0 Grade Point Average; Highest Achievement Honor Award, English; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Foreign Language; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Mathematics; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Social Studies; Language Arts Department Award -- AP English Literature and Composition; Business Department Award, Business Economics/Business Law; Social Studies Department Award, AP European History; Social Studies Department Award, Psychology; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical; Yearbook Copy Editor.

Jessica Ann Marie Decker -- Health and PE Department Award, Total Fitness II.

Christie Michelle Edwards -- President's Award for Educational Achievement, Outstanding Academic Achievement; Communications/Language Arts Department Award, English IV Regular; Health Careers/Health and P.E. Department Award, Health Careers; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Brandie Marie Embry -- Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical; Quill Assistant Art Editor.

Tamara Dawn Estes -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Business Vocational Certificate, Business Management.

Trina Lynn Estes -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Communications/Language Arts Department Award, Journalism II; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Journalism; Yearbook Editor-in-Chief; One Year Perfect Attendance.

Megan Lynn Gaynor -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; KHSAA Sportsmanship Recognition Award; Health Careers/Health and PE Department Award, Total Fitness I; Business Vocational Certificate, Business Management.

Carla Marie Goodwin -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; 4.0 Grade Point Average; Communications/Language Arts Department Award, Journalism I; Yearbook Business Manager; Four Years Perfect Attendance.

Scotty Griffin Gorman Jr. -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Four Years Perfect Attendance; Yearbook Sports Editor; Business Vocational Certificate, Business Management.

Nicholas Aaron Harley -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Highest Achievement Honor Award, John Philip Sousa, Band; One Year Perfect Attendance; Business Vocational Certificate, Administrative Support.

Dustin Seth Hartman -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Industrial Technology Department Award, Special Problems IV; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Cristie Ann Hobbs -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Jennifer Kaye Howard -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Sharla Lynnette Howard -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Business Department Award, Business Math; Business Department Award, Electronic Office; Business Vocational Certificate, Information Processing.

Rickey S. Hurst -- Faculty Choice Award; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Clinton B. Hylton -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Patrick Graham Keown -- Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Brandon Laslie -- Special Education Department Award, Exceptional Children Award II.

Erin Leigh Lautner -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Faculty Choice Award; One Year Perfect Attendance.

Betsy Lea Lynch -- Two Years Perfect Attendance; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

John Stewart Lyons Jr. -- Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Jaclyn Renee Mason -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Joseph Patrick Matthews-Boarman -- Two Years Perfect Attendance.

Carrie Renea McManaway -- Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Susan Janelle Mingus -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; 4.0 Grade Point Average; Woodmen of the World, Outstanding Proficiency in American History-2000 (Trophy); Fine Arts Department Award, Visual Arts III; Faculty Choice Award; Yearbook Senior Editor; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Scholar Athlete.

Jason Matthew Morris -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Health Careers/Health and PE Department Award, Physical Education III; Business Vocational Certificate, Business Management.

Christopher Lee Napier -- President's Award for Educational Achievement, Outstanding Academic Achievement; Science Department Award, Advanced Biology; Business Vocational Certificate, Information Processing.

Bradley Neil Osborne -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Health Careers/Health and PE Department Award, Physical Education II; Faculty Choice Award; Industrial Technology Department Award, Special Problems IV; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Justin L. Payne -- Agriculture Department Award, Advanced Agricultural Construction; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Lindsey Nicole Philp -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Jason Derek Pritchard -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Highest Achievement Honor Award, John Philip Sousa, Band; Music Department Award, Band; Faculty Choice Award; Four Years Perfect Attendance.

Dacquri Jhauntae Rice -- Agriculture Department Award, Equine Science; Business Vocational Certificate, Information Processing; Four Years Perfect Attendance, Nine Years Total Perfect Attendance.

Sara Katherin Rice -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Four Years Perfect Attendance, Ten Years Total Perfect Attendance; Health Career/Health and PE Department Award, Total Fitness III.

Joshua Scott Richards -- Yearbook Photographer.

Aaron Scott Roberts -- Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

James Simeon Roberts --President's Award for Educational Achievement, Outstanding Academic Achievement; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Composition I; Communications/Language Arts Department Award, Composition I.

Jarred C. Roberts -- Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Toshia Lynn Sanders -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Lori Beth Shultz -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Family and Consumer Science; Faculty Choice Award; Business Department Award, Accounting I; Business Vocational Certificate, Administrative Support.

Joseph Steven Sila -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Four Years Perfect Attendance; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Scholar Athlete; Wendy's High School Heisman Award; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Art; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Industrial Technology; KHSAA Sportsmanship Recognition Award; Science Department Award, Computer Programming; Family and Consumer Science Department Award, Housing/Consumer Economic; Fine Arts Department Award, Visual Arts IV.

Lindsey Danielle Smith -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Wendy's High School Heisman Award; One Year Perfect Attendance; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Science; Science Department Award, AP Chemistry.

Érica T. L. Sonza -- Faculty Choice Award.

Phillip Scott Swihart -- President's Award for Educational Achievement, Outstanding Academic Achievement; Agriculture Department Award, Agricultural Construction Skills; Three Years Perfect Attendance.

Tamara Kay Swihart -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Business; Business Department Honor Award, Business Management; Faculty Choice Award; One Year Perfect Attendance; Business Vocational Certificate, Business Management.

Glenda Marie Thrasher -- President's Award for Educational Achievement, Outstanding Academic Achievement; Faculty Choice Award; Yearbook Photographer; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Ashley Grace Toler -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Faculty Choice Award; Yearbook Advertising Editor; Two Years Perfect Attendance; Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

Ashley Lynn Tongate -- President's Award for Educational Achievement, Outstanding Academic Achievement; Family and Consumer Science Department Award, Parenting/Human Development; Faculty Choice Award; Two Years Perfect Attendance.

Ginger Marie Trodglen -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Steven Adam Vanover -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

David Kyle Veach -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Four Years Perfect Attendance, Seven Years Total Perfect Attendance; Highest Achievement Honor Award, Agriculture; Communications/Language Arts Department Award, Media I; Communications/Language Arts Department Award, English IV Advanced.

Jennifer Ann Waggoner -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Aaron Curtis Wallace -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student; Faculty Choice Award; One Year Perfect Attendance.

Daniel Allen White -- President's Award for Educational Excellence, Outstanding Academic Excellence and Honor Student.

Julie Anne White -- Business Vocational Certificate, General Clerical.

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