Friday, June 2, 2000
Students receive Renaissance academic letters
ELSBERRY - To be considered for and receive an academic letter, a student must have a 9.0 grade point or higher for three consecutive quarters, attended a pep assembly and received a Renaissance card and must have taken the time to fill out and return an application for the letter.
The following students are receiving an academic letter for the first time:
Seniors - Jeremy Barron, Angie Heitman, Tanja Korhonen, and Amanda Watkins.
Juniors - Sharon Beatman and Alan Turner.
Freshmen - Megan Heitman, Bryan Keim, Tracy Matlock, Mandy Ray, Kera Steavenson, Lauren Suddarth, Jodi Talbot, Krista Tapley, Nicki Turner, Katie Watkins, Kim Whitehead and Ashley Whitson.
The following students received their additional year bar:
Seniors - Amy Bailey, fourth-year bar; Laurell Davis, second-year bar; Bob Gray, fourth-year bar; Stephanie Grimes, fourth-year bar; Brooks Hill, third-year; Beth Mayes, fourth-year bar; and Danny Pestka, fourth-year bar.
Juniors - James Boley, third-year bar; Erin Hasemeier, second-year bar; Erin Howard, third-year bar; Rusty Kinion, third-year bar; and Matt Lagemann, second-year bar.
Sophomores - Hannah Briscoe, second-year bar; Shanna Lonsberry, second-year bar; Joe Ogden, second-year bar; and Ryan Vincent, second-year bar.