2004-2005 School Year
Gilford, New Hampshire
Gilford Middle School
Honor Roll - 1st Quarter
New Hampshire School Yearbooks by County
Grade 7
High Academic Honors: Sydney Aronson,Britney Atwater, Brittany Colbath, Gina Davis, Ashley DiMartino, Janelle Lavery, Olivia Searle, Brienna Tomlinson, Sarah Watson, and Bristol Whitcher.
Academic Honors: Prezley Adair,Patrick Altmire, Caitlin Andrews, Austin Athanas, Monique Baron, Megan Belville, Wesley Berghahn, Dillon Black, Heather Blandford, Thomas Bobotas, Bria Boschetto, Christian Bua, Brett Cole, Matthew Cote, Jessica Croft, Charles Curtis, Michelle Davies, Danielle Dean, Patrick Donohue, Reid Duval, Sarah Gelotte, Haley Gerber, Ashley Guilfoyle, Kevin Hackett, Tiffani Hemcher, Shelby Howard, Julia Kallmerten, Kara LeClair, Brianne Manning, Mariah Marceau, Amber Matsumoto, Jenna McNutt, Casey McNutt, Amy Meyers, Melissa Miles, Spencer Morin, Christopher Overholts, Chelsea Parent, Heather Payne, Charles Rice, Emily Roy, John Ruggles, Ashley Salanitro, Danielle Sandric, Kristen Selke, Sean Sprague, Megan Wernig, and Christopher Willette.
Grade 8
High Academic Honors: Samuel Chapin, Neil Davis, Lindsey Nelson, Gordon Scott, and Sarah Snow.
Academic Honors: Alexis Adams, Brian Akerley, Sarah Ayer, Benjamin Belanger, MacKenzie Billin, Megan Buckner, Lindsey Carr, Hanna Christensen, Kelsey Clark, Eric Dean, Sarah Fitzpatrick, Christina Gangi, Sasha Garfinkle, Molly Gould, Jamie Harmon, Spencer Klubben III, Megan Korber, Charles McNutt, Brittany Murphy, Tyler Murphy, Rachel Petrozzi, Samuel Read, Ian Rice, Kaitlin Scannell, Ethan Simoneau, Katelyn Simoneau, and Daniel Wright.