2002-2003 School Year
Moultonborough, New Hampshire
Moultonborough Academy
Honor Roll - 1st Quarter
New Hampshire School Yearbooks by County
Moultonborough Academy has announced its Honor Roll for the first quarter of the 2002-2003 school year.
Grade 7
High Honors: Jillian Adams, Amy Bagley, Ethan Brady, Andrew Bryar, Nicholas French, Erin Hughes, Hannah-Rose Mann, Maura McKenna, Kelly Murphy, Matthew Smith, Emma Wakefield.
Honors: Sarah Blackadar, Connor Burrows, Brittney Davis, Andrew DiFabio, Amelia Donovan, Claire Eisenberg, Kendra Gravelle, Amanda Gruner, Leah Heal, Rachel Hughes, Sadie Kimball-Lane, Ashley Logue, Matthew Marini, Anne Maroun, Kelli McDermott, Tim Near, Joshua Nyecki, David Pounder, Andrew Stinson, Corey Tower, Cory Valentine.
Honorable Mention: Ben Burkhardt, Kurt Casey, Jasmine Chase, Patrick Duddy, Cayla Dunlap, Peter Kotce, Kaitlin Scheerhoorn, Collin Torrey, Travis Watson.
Grade 8
High Honors: Kelsea Forsberg, Kendra Frye, Jennifer Goss, Michelle Haire, Daniel Hull.
Honors: Amy Chesley, Hannah Colby, Michelle Costanza, Heather Dean, Cassey Dickey, Mary Erving, Jamie Ferrante, Robbie Green, Nathaniel Hill, Steven Ippolito, Katherine Kohut, Michael LeMien, Kyle Libby, Margaret Remson, Allison Smith, John Stephens, Ty Watson, Kathryn Widman, Kate Worthen.
Honorable Mention: Edward Ambrose, Morgan Banks, Vincent Carboni, Lauri Cotter, Jonathan Crosby, Christina Fodero, James Fritz, Tom Gendron, Samuel Lavoie, Jennifer Leatham, Abigail McCann, Michael Parent, Emily Pollino, Jordan Seaward-Salvati, Casey Weeks.
Grade 9
High Honors: Zackery Adams, Anson Alexander, Zachary Azem, Nathaniel Brady, Kaitlin McKenna, Ryan Nelson, Christopher Normandin, Daniel Normandin, Sarah Smith.
Honors: Joel Bagley, Thomas Bouchie, Jodi Campbell, Joseph Difabio, Kaitlyn Dorais, Amanda Dussault, Christopher Eisenberg, Ashley Forsberg, Jeremy French, Melissa Godin, Lauren Joyce, Kimberly King, Michael Lau, Sean McKinley, Alysia Monaghan, Jamie Mudgett, William Near, Ashley Pieszchala, Meagan Prudhomme, Ashley Twedell, Sarah Upton.
Honorable Mention: Justin Carboni, Philip Cowels, Elizabeth Davol, Shawna Dexter, Caitlyn Dixon, Barry Farese, Phillip Johnson, Elizabeth Mullen, Jason Tower, Shawn Traynor, Max Willwerth.
Grade 10
High Honors: Rebecca Adams, Michael Grzelak, Camille Reuter, Patricia Squitteri.
Honors: Katherine Blackadar, Megan Chesley, Taylor Forsberg, Thomas Hanks, Ali Joyce, Bandon Lutkus, Meridith Ploskonka, Ashlely Rowland, Robin Sakaguchi.
Honorable Mention: Jonathan Barrett, Christopher Burgess, Wesley Knee, Kate Macaulay, Chelsee Martin, Maria Nilson, Craig Richter, James Sorbie, Sarah Strickland, Tyler Vaillancourt.
Grade 11
High Honors: Danielle Costanza, Jessica Janaitis, Jennifer Weeks.
Honors: Megan Brodeur, Morgan Burkhardt, Ovidiu Charest, Julia Chesley, Terra Clifford, Tiffany Feldman, Patrick Fessenden, Corey Garry, Stephanie Hanks, Dustin Hughes, Kaitlin Hull, Jamie Johns, Katherine Joyce, Christina Lau, Tiffany Mills, Aubrey Nelson, Sarah Potwin, Amanda Prudhomme, Scott Richards, Zakary Ringelstein, Olivia Wakefield, Joe Willwerth, Caitlin Zelek.
Honorable Mention: Ryan Blake, Elizabeth Boren, Megan Godin, James Hart, Matt Humer, Megan LeMien, Maya Osseiran, Arinda Stokes, Amanda Thurston.
Grade 12
Honors: Begimay Abdysamatova, Katelyn Adams, Clayton Blackey, Lindsay
Bryar, Halley Byers, Adam Cahoon, Shannon Cameron, Jackie Carr, Casey Doyle, Jessica Feldman, Corinna Gilson, William Gordon, Jennifer Jacobson, Jessica Jacobson, Thomas Jenkett, Fallon Lucier, Austin Maher, Michelle Merritz, Joseph Normandin, Emily Nyecki, Jeff Pelligrino, Kevin Ringelstein, Patrick Riuta, Justin St. James, Jonathan Whitney.
Honorable Mention: Laura Blackadar, Michael Bouchard, Chris Chute, Ashley Hale, Luke Heal, Bobbielee Hubbard, Mary Ann Remson, Nathan Schload, Zachary Sherkanowski, Tyler Smith, Robin Stokes.