2003-2004 School Year
Byng, Oklahoma
Byng Elementary School
Honor Roll - 2nd Semester
Byng Elementary releases honor rolls
The following students at Byng Elementary have made the superintendent’s honor roll for the second semester of school:
4th Grade: Elizabeth Perry, Dakota Roberson, Jacob Scroggins, Jerry Shaw, Cody Williams, and Raechelle Wilson.
5th Grade: Jessica Painter, Garrett Thompson, William Tinkler, and Ryan Williams.
6th Grade: Haley Bishop, Mark Byers, Jessica Grimes, Mason Groves, Taylor Hall, Kaden Lehman, David Roberson, Daniel Rowe, Denton Stutte, Trevor Sutton, and Carly Young.
Principal's Honor Roll:
4th Grade: Kyleigh Bryant, Zackary Courtney, Hollie Danker, Matthew Fortner, Holly Hatton, Nathaniel Hicks, Josee Hurley, Kassidy Rowsey, and Rachel Wainscott.
5th Grade: Thomas Brittain, Savannah Burwell, Shellie Bynum, Cheyenne Counts, Nathanial Enns, Gentry Fisher, Maliah Ford, Brandon Fortner, Checotah Frazier, Carson Green, Katelyn Jones, and Meagan Wright.
6th Grade: McKenzie Bailey, Auston Claborn, Meleaia Gray, Mark Greenhoward, Chaylum Hogue, Katelyn Holmes, Kristen Kelley, Ashley Stick, and Laura Strong.
Teacher's Honor Roll:
4th Grade: Shae Smith, Jake Wellington, and Niles Wyche.
5th Grade: Colton Engel, Zachary Goodman, and Presli Manuel.
6th Grade: Jordon Brooks, Heather Kimmel, Sydney Loggins, Reba Sliger, Raechel Smith, John Spears, and Diana Tyler.
Fourth Nine Weeks:
Superintendent's Honor Roll:
4th Grade: Jacob Scroggins, Jerry Shaw, Cody Williams, and Holley Hatton.
5th Grade: Cheyenne Counts, Checotah Frazier, and William Tinkler.
6th Grade: Haley Bishop, Mark Byers, Jessica Grimes, Mason Groves, Taylor Hall, Kaden Lehman, David Roberson, Daniel Rowe, Denton Stutte, Trevor Sutton, and Carly Young.
Principal's Honor Roll:
4th Grade: Kyleigh Bryant, Zackary Courtney, Hollie Danker, Matthew Fortner, Nathaniel Hicks, Elizabeth Perry, Dakota Roberson, Shae Smith, and Rachel Wainscott.
5th Grade: Thomas Brittain, Shellie Bynum, Nathanial Enns, Gentry Fisher, Maliah Ford, Brandon Fortner, Carson Green, Katelyn Jones, Jessica Painter, Garrett Thompson, Ryan Williams, and Meagan Wright.
6th Grade: McKenzie Bailey, Auston Claborn, Chaylum Hogue, Kristen Kelley, Tanner Ross, and Ashley Stick.
Teacher's Honor Roll:
4th Grade: Lauren Guess, Josee Hurley, Jake Wellington, and Michael Wingard.
6th Grade: Jordan Brooks, Kyla Fleck, Meleaia Gray, Reba Sliger, Raechel Smith, and Laura Strong.