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Honor Students Archive

MASSACHUSETTS - Holden - Mountview Middle School Honor Roll 3rd Quarter - 2013-2014

Posted By: Honor Students Archive
Date: Wednesday, 12 March 2025, at 2:48 p.m.

2013-2014 School Year

Holden, Massachusetts

Mountview Middle School

3rd Quarter Honor Roll

Student Name, Grade Level - Honor Level

Abbeyquaye, Kwesi-Banafo Jeffrey, 8th Grade - High Honors
Benoit, Jonathan Richard, 8th Grade - High Honors
Berglund, Jennifer Anne, 8th Grade - High Honors
Besse, Morgan Chatfield, 8th Grade - High Honors
Bilsel, Selina Grace, 8th Grade - High Honors
Bilzerian, Maria Hope, 8th Grade - High Honors
Blake, Justin Tyler, 8th Grade - High Honors
Boucher, Heather Christine, 8th Grade - High Honors
Brigley, Dillon Anthony, 8th Grade - High Honors
DelMastro, Andrew Paul, 8th Grade - High Honors
Dickman, Julia Lan, 8th Grade - High Honors
Dowd, Elizabeth Anne, 8th Grade - High Honors
Griffin, Jennifer Marie, 8th Grade - High Honors
Guiney, Magdeleine Nheb, 8th Grade - High Honors
Heney, Peter McGinn, 8th Grade - High Honors
Krikorian, Brian Paul, 8th Grade - High Honors
Lannigan, Sean Michael, 8th Grade - High Honors
Lazar, Eleanor Paula, 8th Grade - High Honors
Liston, Carter James, 8th Grade - High Honors
Mack, Olivia Maia, 8th Grade - High Honors
Mathers, Annabelle Rose, 8th Grade - High Honors
McCarthy, Tanner Matthew, 8th Grade - High Honors
Mizerak, Evan James, 8th Grade - High Honors
Moore, Dylan Kersey, 8th Grade - High Honors
Mott, Caitlin Autumn, 8th Grade - High Honors
Nguyen, Tyler Thanh, 8th Grade - High Honors
Nguyen, Vanessa Ainguyet, 8th Grade - High Honors
Norum, Reilly Elizabeth, 8th Grade - High Honors
Paredes, Christian DiegoEarls, 8th Grade - High Honors
Persson-Ortiz, Alexis Kaylene, 8th Grade - High Honors
Polletta, Sofia Nmn, 8th Grade - High Honors
Potts, Faith Olivia, 8th Grade - High Honors
Prosser, Ryan Howe, 8th Grade - High Honors
Quinlivan, Lauren Mary, 8th Grade - High Honors
Renzetti, Alexandra Jordan, 8th Grade - High Honors
Scharf, Julie Rebecca, 8th Grade - High Honors
Sielaff, Prisca, 8th Grade - High Honors
Stark, Nicole Elizabeth, 8th Grade - High Honors
Vandale, Nicole Marie, 8th Grade - High Honors
Vandale, Zachary Richard, 8th Grade - High Honors
Willmuth, Gretchen Wright, 8th Grade - High Honors

Andros, Grace Elizabeth, 7th Grade - High Honors
Ballantine, Gillian NMN, 7th Grade - High Honors
Barberis, Hugo Florian, 7th Grade - High Honors
Barr, Rachel Marie, 7th Grade - High Honors
Bonder, Isabella Hedy, 7th Grade - High Honors
Brown, Seth Avery, 7th Grade - High Honors
Burnham, Margaret Anne, 7th Grade - High Honors
Cahill, Emily Alice, 7th Grade - High Honors
Carr, Molly Gloria, 7th Grade - High Honors
Clemente, Michael Christopher, 7th Grade - High Honors
Dobles, Javier Thomas, 7th Grade - High Honors
Downing, Liam Joseph, 7th Grade - High Honors
Duggan, Emily Lynn, 7th Grade - High Honors
Dumas, Lily Kathleen, 7th Grade - High Honors
Fujimoto, Amanda Nanami, 7th Grade - High Honors
Hancock, Erin Grace, 7th Grade - High Honors
Harding, Emily Ann, 7th Grade - High Honors
Hazelwood, Anna Louise, 7th Grade - High Honors
Ho, Michelle Tuong-Vi, 7th Grade - High Honors
Holohan, Ian Michael, 7th Grade - High Honors
Ishidate, Kaede NMN, 7th Grade - High Honors
Kim, Jennifer NMN, 7th Grade - High Honors
Lin, Shannen Kloe, 7th Grade - High Honors
Lincoln, Erin Anne, 7th Grade - High Honors
Lyne, Alexa Mary, 7th Grade - High Honors
Maenzo, Gavin Carter, 7th Grade - High Honors
Matis, Natalie Barbara, 7th Grade - High Honors
McAlice, Payton Timothy, 7th Grade - High Honors
McAndrew, Colette Mary, 7th Grade - High Honors
McClintock, Rylee Ann, 7th Grade - High Honors
McDonald, Reagan St.John, 7th Grade - High Honors
McGeary, Sean Riley, 7th Grade - High Honors
Newell, Paige Nicole, 7th Grade - High Honors
O'Neil, Kara Lynn, 7th Grade - High Honors
Orne, Meghan Elizabeth, 7th Grade - High Honors
Paliakkara, Catherine Geo, 7th Grade - High Honors
Peterson, Emma Jessie, 7th Grade - High Honors
Pinkes, Leah Faith, 7th Grade - High Honors
Potvin, Elizabeth Helen, 7th Grade - High Honors
Quinn, Katherine Brosnan, 7th Grade - High Honors
Schmidt, Grace Madeline, 7th Grade - High Honors
Stone, Alexis Marie Torres, 7th Grade - High Honors
Thomas, Gabriel Jose, 7th Grade - High Honors
Toole, Amanda Elizabeth, 7th Grade - High Honors
Valentine, Alyssa Ann, 7th Grade - High Honors
Van Liew, Christopher Andrew, 7th Grade - High Honors
Vandale, Emily Elizabeth, 7th Grade - High Honors
Walker, Lindsay Grace, 7th Grade - High Honors

Alzamora, Matthew David, 6th Grade - High Honors
Amour, Callie Jo, 6th Grade - High Honors
Annunziata, Lydia Nichole, 6th Grade - High Honors
Aragi, Victoria Rose, 6th Grade - High Honors
Austin, Susan Emma, 6th Grade - High Honors
Baum, Gabriel Ronald, 6th Grade - High Honors
Benson, Victoria Elizabeth, 6th Grade - High Honors
Bergeron, Fallon Isabelle, 6th Grade - High Honors
Bilsel, Isaac Osmar, 6th Grade - High Honors
Biswas, Arjun James, 6th Grade - High Honors
Brenner, Jamie Lynn, 6th Grade - High Honors
Budd, Joshua Puray, 6th Grade - High Honors
Bullett, Nicholas William, 6th Grade - High Honors
Burgess, Reanne Marie, 6th Grade - High Honors
Burnham, Riley Janet, 6th Grade - High Honors
Cain, Douglas Stuart, 6th Grade - High Honors
Chhoeuk, Kai Ly, 6th Grade - High Honors
Clyman, Samantha Liana, 6th Grade - High Honors
Curran, Jane Elizabeth, 6th Grade - High Honors
Curtis, Samuel Ethan, 6th Grade - High Honors
Cwalinski, Olivia Anna, 6th Grade - High Honors
Cyr, Emaleigh Jane, 6th Grade - High Honors
Davis, Caterina Marie, 6th Grade - High Honors
DeSanty, Megan Nicole, 6th Grade - High Honors
Devin, Kailin Olivia, 6th Grade - High Honors
DiLoreto, Katherine Olivia, 6th Grade - High Honors
Durkan, Sarah Patricia, 6th Grade - High Honors
Floyd, Asa Richard, 6th Grade - High Honors
Gardner, Lauren Elizabeth, 6th Grade - High Honors
Giwa, Hadiya Kahinde, 6th Grade - High Honors
Giwa, Hamida Taaye, 6th Grade - High Honors
Grady, Maeghan Rose, 6th Grade - High Honors
Greene, Mason Chapman, 6th Grade - High Honors
Harvey, Maria Elizabeth, 6th Grade - High Honors
Haynes, Lillian Rene, 6th Grade - High Honors
Hebert, Matthew Joseph, 6th Grade - High Honors
Henrich, Grace Eve, 6th Grade - High Honors
Hicks, Andrew Ansara, 6th Grade - High Honors
Jardine, Kevin Douglas, 6th Grade - High Honors
Korn, Brandon Michael, 6th Grade - High Honors
Labovitz, Katherine Marie, 6th Grade - High Honors
Lepore, Paige Elizabeth, 6th Grade - High Honors
Litvak, Hava, 6th Grade - High Honors
Louder, Nora Ruth, 6th Grade - High Honors
Luo, Angelina, 6th Grade - High Honors
Manjrekar, Tanvi Yatin, 6th Grade - High Honors
Marks, Jacob Andrew, 6th Grade - High Honors
Massoni-Nesman, Rianna Marie, 6th Grade - High Honors
McCarthy, Colin AnthonyJames, 6th Grade - High Honors
McCarthy, Colleen Mae, 6th Grade - High Honors
McManus, Megan Allison, 6th Grade - High Honors
Mierzejewski, Delaney Rowan, 6th Grade - High Honors
Montalto, Samantha Dempsey, 6th Grade - High Honors
Moran, Colin Michael, 6th Grade - High Honors
Mugg, Maya Miriam, 6th Grade - High Honors
O'Connor, Matthew Louis, 6th Grade - High Honors
Olivar, Noelle Tatiana, 6th Grade - High Honors
Paliakkara, Paul Geo, 6th Grade - High Honors
Parechanian, Ashley Elizabeth, 6th Grade - High Honors
Paredes, Monet Grace Earls, 6th Grade - High Honors
Pedone, Samuel Higgins, 6th Grade - High Honors
Pehl, Stephen Spencer, 6th Grade - High Honors
Pins, Noah Jacob, 6th Grade - High Honors
Pratt, Joshua Sauriol, 6th Grade - High Honors
Robbins, Ethan Robert, 6th Grade - High Honors
Santana, Amyah Isis, 6th Grade - High Honors
Shea, Katelyn Grace, 6th Grade - High Honors
Skagerlind, Kevin Gary, 6th Grade - High Honors
Sowinska, Zuzanna Antonia, 6th Grade - High Honors
Sundin, Samuel James, 6th Grade - High Honors
Taylor, Luke Michael, 6th Grade - High Honors
Tsiramanes, Alexis Zoe, 6th Grade - High Honors
Vecchione, Cole Raymond, 6th Grade - High Honors
Viens, Emma Brooke, 6th Grade - High Honors
White, Hailey Faith, 6th Grade - High Honors
Williams, Abigail Lynn, 6th Grade - High Honors
Woodin, Gavin Parker, 6th Grade - High Honors

Alzamora, Grace Marie, 8th Grade - Honors
Bastug, Meryem, 8th Grade - Honors
Bergeron, Camille Grace Haichang, 8th Grade - Honors
Bickerstaff, Benjamin Peter, 8th Grade - Honors
Bovat, Sarah Grace, 8th Grade - Honors
Bove, Nicholas John, 8th Grade - Honors
Brenner, Casey Richard, 8th Grade - Honors
Capalbo, Kylie Rae, 8th Grade - Honors
Cariglia, Arianna Lynn, 8th Grade - Honors
Chaponis, Olivia Eileen, 8th Grade - Honors
Christenson, Callie Min, 8th Grade - Honors
Conrad, Kayleigh Alexandra, 8th Grade - Honors
Coolidge, Madison Elizabeth, 8th Grade - Honors
Cyr, Tyler Harold, 8th Grade - Honors
Dalton, Caroline Elizabeth, 8th Grade - Honors
DeNorscia, Anthony Justin, 8th Grade - Honors
DeNorscia, Kyle David, 8th Grade - Honors
Desautels, Molly Elizabeth, 8th Grade - Honors
Durkan, Cole John, 8th Grade - Honors
Gale, Shauna Ann, 8th Grade - Honors
Glickman, Max John, 8th Grade - Honors
Griffin, Erin Elizabeth, 8th Grade - Honors
Guarin, Zyrah Eldridge Peralta, 8th Grade - Honors
Gupta, Abhishek, 8th Grade - Honors
Hammond, Ambar Mae, 8th Grade - Honors
Hassett, Nicole Kirsi, 8th Grade - Honors
Hearn, Camden James, 8th Grade - Honors
Holton, Leah Amanda, 8th Grade - Honors
Horrigan, William Robert, 8th Grade - Honors
Houlihan, Patrick Ryan, 8th Grade - Honors
Hovagimian, Abigail Irene, 8th Grade - Honors
Jacobsen, Isabel Christine, 8th Grade - Honors
Johnson, Ciara Abigael, 8th Grade - Honors
Jones, Tyler Warner, 8th Grade - Honors
Joseph, Louis Andrew, 8th Grade - Honors
Keane, Shayla Marie, 8th Grade - Honors
Keller, Meighan Kathleen, 8th Grade - Honors
Kennedy, Sean Ferris, 8th Grade - Honors
Kennedy, Sydney Ryan, 8th Grade - Honors
Kent, Mark Stephen, 8th Grade - Honors
Kirouac, Ryan Matthew, 8th Grade - Honors
Kraner, Zoe Milan, 8th Grade - Honors
LaMarche, Cameron Paul, 8th Grade - Honors
LaPosta, Emma Catherine, 8th Grade - Honors
Lemelin, Faith Ann, 8th Grade - Honors
Lenox, Samantha Marie, 8th Grade - Honors
Maiser, Kurt Robert, 8th Grade - Honors
Malone, Matthew Philip, 8th Grade - Honors
Mascitelli, Chloe Irene, 8th Grade - Honors
McAndrew, John Salvi, 8th Grade - Honors
McKee, Molly Erin, 8th Grade - Honors
Menard, Matthew Arthur, 8th Grade - Honors
Monfreda, James Anthony, 8th Grade - Honors
Montalto, John Joseph, 8th Grade - Honors
Mugg, Elijah David, 8th Grade - Honors
Nann, Matthew Patrick, 8th Grade - Honors
Olivo, Scott Patrick, 8th Grade - Honors
Openshaw, Kenneth Michael, 8th Grade - Honors
Parker, Jordin Charles, 8th Grade - Honors
Patel, Helly P, 8th Grade - Honors
Pedone, Margaret Jean, 8th Grade - Honors
Perez, Ezekiel Menashe, 8th Grade - Honors
Peri-Okonny, Mannietenode NMN, 8th Grade - Honors
Polsky, Caleb Nathaniel, 8th Grade - Honors
Post, Benjamin Edward, 8th Grade - Honors
Provencher, Sydney Elizabeth, 8th Grade - Honors
Pukaite, Olivia Mary, 8th Grade - Honors
Ribeiro, Benjamin James, 8th Grade - Honors
Rodriguez, Andre Cole, 8th Grade - Honors
Ryan, Owen Christopher, 8th Grade - Honors
Schaper, Caroline Therese, 8th Grade - Honors
Scharf, Benjamin Walter, 8th Grade - Honors
Schiller, Wendy Elizabeth, 8th Grade - Honors
Schwarzer, Mark Peregrin, 8th Grade - Honors
Scott, Ryan Jeffrey, 8th Grade - Honors
Serafin, Sebastian, 8th Grade - Honors
Slavin, Alexis Michelle, 8th Grade - Honors
Smith, Kalen VernonSamoth, 8th Grade - Honors
Stockmal, Emily Lynne, 8th Grade - Honors
Sunil, Siddharth Nmn, 8th Grade - Honors
Swartz, Samantha Ruth, 8th Grade - Honors
Tokarowski, Elizabeth Anne, 8th Grade - Honors
Welcom, Madeline Mason, 8th Grade - Honors
Whiting, Kalli Brynn, 8th Grade - Honors
Zanca, Katherine Karena, 8th Grade - Honors
Zeena, Jillian Maureen, 8th Grade - Honors
Zhou, Alex NMN, 8th Grade - Honors
Zimon, Halle Josie, 8th Grade - Honors

Anderson, Kayana Belle, 7th Grade - Honors
Ballantine, Emma Cara, 7th Grade - Honors
Bergeron, Carter Ethan, 7th Grade - Honors
Blome, Zachary Thomas, 7th Grade - Honors
Braithwaite, Spencer Marc, 7th Grade - Honors
Brehany, Elisabeth Joan, 7th Grade - Honors
Brule, Alexis Rivers, 7th Grade - Honors
Burque, Nicholas John, 7th Grade - Honors
Campanale, Jack Henry, 7th Grade - Honors
Cargiulo, Ciara Marie, 7th Grade - Honors
Catarius, Sarah Marie, 7th Grade - Honors
Cooke, Chase Yvonne, 7th Grade - Honors
Dell'Ovo Jr, Paul Joseph, 7th Grade - Honors
Derr, Ethan Corey, 7th Grade - Honors
Dziejma, Brittney Rose, 7th Grade - Honors
Emery-Le, Etienne Trung, 7th Grade - Honors
Ferdinand, Donroy Rolston, 7th Grade - Honors
Flionis, Charlotte Joo-Eun, 7th Grade - Honors
Foley, Erin Monica, 7th Grade - Honors
Foley, Grace Mary, 7th Grade - Honors
Foster, Evan William, 7th Grade - Honors
Galvin, Rebecca Elizabeth, 7th Grade - Honors
Gardner, Catherine Yuan, 7th Grade - Honors
Girard, Elizabeth Anne, 7th Grade - Honors
Girard, Rachel Ann, 7th Grade - Honors
Gould, James Roderick, 7th Grade - Honors
Gray, Eva Hilary, 7th Grade - Honors
Guittar, Meghan Rose, 7th Grade - Honors
Hackett, Maeghen Elizabeth, 7th Grade - Honors
Harvey, Michael Anthony, 7th Grade - Honors
Head, Abigail Buckland, 7th Grade - Honors
Hearn, Tyler James, 7th Grade - Honors
Huckins, Noemi Susanne, 7th Grade - Honors
Jackson, Ryan Nathan, 7th Grade - Honors
Jacob, Marissa Ives, 7th Grade - Honors
Jensen, Hannah Elizabeth, 7th Grade - Honors
Jodice, Zachary Stephen, 7th Grade - Honors
Johnson, Kelly, 7th Grade - Honors
Kean, Owen, 7th Grade - Honors
Lobo, Christopher Anthony, 7th Grade - Honors
Lomino, Vincent Michael, 7th Grade - Honors
Lorrain, Matthew John, 7th Grade - Honors
Maffioli, Cameron Scott, 7th Grade - Honors
Maher, Michael Francis, 7th Grade - Honors
Majersky, Emily Catherine, 7th Grade - Honors
Malofsky, Joshua Schwartz, 7th Grade - Honors
McCarthy, Liam Burke, 7th Grade - Honors
McGuinness, Shaylee Lynn, 7th Grade - Honors
Merritt, Mason Alan, 7th Grade - Honors
Merto, Sofia Abigail, 7th Grade - Honors
Michalowski, Jacob Palmer, 7th Grade - Honors
Minnich, Jared Brian, 7th Grade - Honors
Nguyen, Jonathan NMN, 7th Grade - Honors
Niford, Kristi Theresa, 7th Grade - Honors
Norris, Alexa, 7th Grade - Honors
O'Brien, Greta Maria, 7th Grade - Honors
O'Brien, Morgan Marie, 7th Grade - Honors
Pagan, Marcos Alejandro, 7th Grade - Honors
Pearce, Samuel Jacob, 7th Grade - Honors
Perry, Rachel Catherine, 7th Grade - Honors
Pineiro, Olivia Iris, 7th Grade - Honors
Powers, Bryan Christopher, 7th Grade - Honors
Racki, Maciej Michal, 7th Grade - Honors
Rastley, Madison Rita, 7th Grade - Honors
Riach, Maxwell Stirling, 7th Grade - Honors
Rice, Thomas John, 7th Grade - Honors
Rissmiller, Kevin James, 7th Grade - Honors
Rolli, Nolan James, 7th Grade - Honors
Romantowski, Rene Michelle, 7th Grade - Honors
Sachs, Jacob Benjamin, 7th Grade - Honors
Singer, Lila Jane, 7th Grade - Honors
Smith, Abigail Rose, 7th Grade - Honors
Sterns, Nathaniel Alexander, 7th Grade - Honors
Stone, Jennifer Christine, 7th Grade - Honors
Sweeney, Brian Joseph, 7th Grade - Honors
Tarantino, Jeffrey Paul, 7th Grade - Honors
Tarantino, Michael Thomas, 7th Grade - Honors
Tonning, Emily May, 7th Grade - Honors
Wage, Elizabeth Grace, 7th Grade - Honors
Walton, Ethan Daniel, 7th Grade - Honors
Wilde, Madelyn Louise, 7th Grade - Honors

Andros, Caleb Bennion, 6th Grade - Honors
Ayik, Madison Marie, 6th Grade - Honors
Bediako, Francis Asare, 6th Grade - Honors
Bellil, Julia Elise, 6th Grade - Honors
Benoit, Emily Alicia, 6th Grade - Honors
Bergeron, Avery Shea, 6th Grade - Honors
Bergeron, Brooke Allison, 6th Grade - Honors
Bergeron, Clara Ellyse-AiYi, 6th Grade - Honors
Brockmire, Margaret Anderson, 6th Grade - Honors
Carlson, Brian Jeffrey, 6th Grade - Honors
Chappel, Penelope Mirabelle, 6th Grade - Honors
Clyman, Joshua Devlin, 6th Grade - Honors
Coleman, Zoe NMN, 6th Grade - Honors
Conrad, Thomas James, 6th Grade - Honors
Devin, Ryan Gregory, 6th Grade - Honors
Dobles, Anna Elizabeth, 6th Grade - Honors
Dodge, Emily Ann, 6th Grade - Honors
Donovan, Tara Allison, 6th Grade - Honors
Dow, Brady Fenway, 6th Grade - Honors
Dowd, Grace Marie, 6th Grade - Honors
Egdall, Mason Sanford, 6th Grade - Honors
Evans, Madeleine Cleo Doris, 6th Grade - Honors
Farland, Travis Dawson, 6th Grade - Honors
Felicio, Grace Marie, 6th Grade - Honors
Foley, Patrick William, 6th Grade - Honors
Friend, Emma Rose, 6th Grade - Honors
Fritsche, Lucas Sales, 6th Grade - Honors
Gaudette, Connor Robert, 6th Grade - Honors
Halasz, Kayleigh Margaret, 6th Grade - Honors
Hansen, Maura Deardra, 6th Grade - Honors
Hayden, Emily Madison, 6th Grade - Honors
Herlihy, Katharine Mary, 6th Grade - Honors
Herlihy, Maeve Costello, 6th Grade - Honors
Homan, Forrest Ronald, 6th Grade - Honors
Houlihan, Jack Michael, 6th Grade - Honors
Jatrinski, Brett Nmn, 6th Grade - Honors
Johnson, Brady Richard, 6th Grade - Honors
Kean, Sarah, 6th Grade - Honors
Keane, Paul Joseph, 6th Grade - Honors
Kim, Frances, 6th Grade - Honors
Labovitz, Jacqueline Leigh, 6th Grade - Honors
Landers, Mikayla Joy, 6th Grade - Honors
LaRange, Kelly Lynn, 6th Grade - Honors
LaRange, Nicholas Alexander, 6th Grade - Honors
Leung, Madeline Adele Mun Yi, 6th Grade - Honors
Lindfors, Victoria Julia, 6th Grade - Honors
Lowell, Katherine Elizabeth, 6th Grade - Honors
Lucia, Nadine Alexis, 6th Grade - Honors
Marchand, Robert Michael, 6th Grade - Honors
Maruca Hoak, Anna Elizabeth, 6th Grade - Honors
Mascitelli, Mia Faith, 6th Grade - Honors
McKee, Collin Scot, 6th Grade - Honors
Mills, William Jonathan, 6th Grade - Honors
Minnich, Joel Warren, 6th Grade - Honors
Mongeon, Tyler Michael, 6th Grade - Honors
Moore, Leary Braden, 6th Grade - Honors
Morrison, Meghan Michelle, 6th Grade - Honors
Morrissey, Mary Katherine, 6th Grade - Honors
Murphy, James Joseph, 6th Grade - Honors
Murray, Ryan Patrick, 6th Grade - Honors
Nason, Andrew Philip, 6th Grade - Honors
Norris, Hunter Allan, 6th Grade - Honors
Occhialini, Joseph Andrew, 6th Grade - Honors
Olivieri, Baylie Nicole, 6th Grade - Honors
Osei-Sarpong, Deion Gabriel, 6th Grade - Honors
Paquette, Ethan Scott, 6th Grade - Honors
Parker, Hope Julia, 6th Grade - Honors
Pender, Jack Ryan, 6th Grade - Honors
Phelan, Patrick John, 6th Grade - Honors
Pickett, Abigail Hayden, 6th Grade - Honors
Premo, Ronald Francis, 6th Grade - Honors
Quinn, Sean William, 6th Grade - Honors
Reagan, William Michael, 6th Grade - Honors
Rodriguez, Eric Xavier, 6th Grade - Honors
Roy, Alexis Virginia, 6th Grade - Honors
Safer, Noah Benjamin, 6th Grade - Honors
Savino, Lilliana Elizabeth, 6th Grade - Honors
Scanlon, Patrick Joseph, 6th Grade - Honors
Seymour, Kayla Marie, 6th Grade - Honors
Shepard, Kendall Ellen, 6th Grade - Honors
Smith, Cody Alan, 6th Grade - Honors
Smith, Thomas Steven, 6th Grade - Honors
Thibodeau, Adam Michael, 6th Grade - Honors
Tomaz, Julia Oliveira, 6th Grade - Honors
Warren, Niko Anthony, 6th Grade - Honors
Watkins, Justice Mervin, 6th Grade - Honors
White, Renee Hope, 6th Grade - Honors
Wright, Angelina Mia, 6th Grade - Honors
Zheng, Mandy XueTing, 6th Grade - Honors

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