2007-2008 School Year
Huntington, Massachusetts
Gateway Regional High School
Term 2 Honor Roll
In accordance with the student handbook, honor roll status is granted to students with high academic achievement for a marking quarter.
First honors are awarded to students who receive A’s in all courses taken.
Second honors are awarded to students who receive a minimum of two A’s and receive B’s in all other courses taken.
Third honors are granted to students who receive a minimum of one A, with B’s and no more than one C in all courses taken.
The following Gateway students earned honors for the second marking period:
Grade 9:
First Honors:
Matthew Baker, Nathan Bolduc, Chelsa Cassidy, Kaitly Fay, Melissa Jacques, Benjamin Senecal, Anatoliy Tereshchuk
Second Honors:
Isabella Barden, Kyle Blanchette, Raymond Bressette III, Christopher Camarco, Gabriel Craig, Samuel Cummings,Rebecca D’Astous, James Edinger Jr., Neelie Goewey, Monica Guzik, Monique Hudon, Michael LaPointe, Matthew Larson, Kayla Loomis, Erika Mason, Collin Partyka, Tyler Pease, Kevin Ray, Natasha Rutherford, Natalie Saloio, Jeremy Tanguay, Kathleen Tomey
Third Honors:
Michael Edwards, Kimberly Fox, David Jackman Jr., Kody Lavature, Michael Loiselle, Rachel Normantowicz, Aidan Novo, Andre Sico, Tara Spencer
Grade 10 Honor Roll
First Honors:
Tina Clark, Jessica Hopson, Emma Long, Leland Martin, Caleb Robitaille, Elizabeth Rock
Second Honors:
Martin Cotti, Matthew Curry, Steven Ellershaw, Logan Judge, Rebekka Kolm, Jay Ringenbach, Justin Rogozinski, Katlyn Rowe, Maxwell Taylor, Korey Whitaker
Third Honors:
Brendan Booth, Timothy D’Astous, Nathan Davis, Gretchen Drane, Kirsten Huff, Emily Lak, Austin Levreault, John Montesi, Victoria Noe, Lloyd Peters, Alisha Seney
Grade 11 Honor Roll
First Honors:
Mellanie Blair, Morgan Cummings, Laura Garlo, Alysha Langdon, Nicole Megazzini, Amanda MontyBissonnette, Amber Spiess
Second Honors:
Erica Arel, Ashley Carrington, Elizabeth D’Amato, Kellye Dowd, Amanda Gosselin, Sarah Hart, Julie Hawkins, Aimee Hudon, Jillianne Jacques, Samantha King, Hannah Larkham, Amanda Loiselle, Emma MartinRehrmann, Jennifer Mason, Jennifer McNeece, Joshua Oleksak, Ashley Parady, Jessica Pittsinger, Chelsea Sliwa, Victoria Slowick, Jacob Smith, Christopher Thompson, Matthew Wilander
Third Honors:
Leandro Abaurre, Kathryn Crossman, Sandi Cyr, Danielle Degray, Natasha GuerreroDownie, Whitney Gunn, Dawn Hoppe, Jordan Hussey, Alexander LaScala, Eric Miller, Robert Nichols, Elyse Pommenville, Tyler Ragazzini
Grade 12 Honor Roll
First Honors:
Brittany Castagna, Daniel Coffey, Lilly Dalton, Jessica Guay, Gena LaScala, Nelya Lashtur, Kristina Loomis, Molly McCarthy, Erin McQuade, Adam Messier, Sarah Rathay, Samantha Wheeler,
Second Honors:
Stephanie Banach, Camilla Brett, Tyler Craig, Alexander Gevry, Hugo Jimenez, Angela Kelley, Brandon Lagoy, Ruilin Liu, Hannah Long, Stephanie Marotte, Jourdan Merritt, Douglas Messer, Colin Monkiewicz, Milo Newman, Bennett Rogers, Misty Silbaugh, Caleb Stone, Christopher Tanski
Third Honors:
Ryan Andros, Kayla Bartlett, Ashli Cinq Mars, Michael Clemente, Levi Fletcher, Aleksandr Govor, Anna Govor, Lindsay Madru, Monique Marquis, Audra Masloski, Ashley Owen, Sean Reilly, Suzanne St. Jean, Nichole Smith, Stefanie, Sudyka, Natalie Tacke, Alexander Tatro, Kayla Whitaker, Brian
Whitman, Stephanie Zuidema