Graduation 1996 Awards and Honors
St. Michael's Elementary School
Greenville, Pa.
The following St. Michael's Elementary School students were honored at a recent assembly:
John McElhinny and Kari Szewozyk _ American Legion Americanism Award.
Brianne Williams _ St. Thomas Aquinas Scholarship for Academic Excellence.
Emily Zgonc _ Class of 1965 Scholarship.
Anne Watson _ Augusta Tiberi Marini Memorial Scholarship.
Amy McConnell _ Father John Marshall Memorial Scholarship.
Katie Davis and Samantha Coulter _ Marguerite Monroe Walton Memorial Scholarship.
Megan Valesky _ Edward and Elizabeth Geis Memorial Scholarship.
David Zgonc _ Loretta G. Monroe Scholarship for Academic Excellence and Christian Service.
Kenny Hoovler _ Betty Ann Valentine Scholarship for Academic Excellence and Christian Service.
Kenton Hockett, Meghan McDonald and Timothy McConnell _ Leonard Grasso Jr. Memorial Scholarship.