February 03. 2015
Sidney, Ohio
Lehman Catholic High School honor roll
Lehman Catholic High School has released the honor roll for the second quarter of the 2014-15 academic year. To earn first honors, students must have an average of 93 or higher and no grade lower than a B. For second honors, students must have an average of 85 or higher, with no more than one C and no grades of D.
Seniors, first honors:Grant Gleason, McKenna Guillozet, Katie Karr, Maria Pannapara, Rachel Remencus, Allyson Schmidt, John Schmiesing, Dylan Sherman, Olivia Slagle, Travis Thornton, Jackson Watkins and Josh West.
Juniors, first honors: Malachi Bezy, Michelle Duritsch, Kendal Eck, Claudia Fatone, Diana Gibson, Janelle Gravunder, Caroline Heitmeyer, Cassidy Hemm, Kassandra Lee, John Meyer, Nick Neumeier, Emily Reinhart, Adriana Sehlhorst, Emma Simpson, Madeline Smith, Connor Thobe and Adam Vanderhorst.
Sophomores, first honors: Elijah Baker, Alison Briggs, Sidney Chapman, Jacob Earhart, Katherine Edwards, Lindsey Elsner, Hannah Fogt, John Henry Frantz, Mary Kate Haas, Kate Hemm, William Hoersten, Madison Hussey, Megan Neumeier, Kaitrin O’Leary, Moriah Pauley, Elizabeth Pax, Parker Riley, Joe Schemmel, Jacob Schmiesing and Theresa Schmiesing.
Freshmen, first honors: Maria Adams, Miriam Bezy, Melanie Brunner, Grace Dexter, Jacob Emrick, Theresa Flood, Ryan Goettemoeller, Collin Haller, Abigail Jones, Tyler Lachey, Lauren Larger, Kameron Lee, Alanna O’Leary, Leah Peoples, Logan Richard, Ryan Schmidt, Clare Schmiesing, Owen Smith, Michael Wesner and Hailey Wick.
Seniors, second honors: Margo Baker/ Sam Dean. Nick Earhart, Elizabeth Edwards, Derek Gaier, Kaitlin Gillman, Brooke Jones, Jennifer Kaeck, Jackson Monnin, Ben Montgomery, Cole Proffitt, Ellie Sargent, Ava Schmitz, Joseph Skelton, Mitch Slater and Greg Spearman.
Juniors, second honors: Nathan Bosway, Jerry Curtis, Sara Fuller, Olivia Gorman, Marianne Hissong, Michael Largent, Olivia Leece, Stephen Monnin, Ian Smith and Ana Vazquez.
Sophomores, second honors: Alexis Caulfield, Madison Cline, Kara Gillman, Lucas Kempfer, Wyatt Long, Taylor O’Leary, Jared Rourke, Isaiah WInhoven and Jenna Zimmerman.
Freshmen, second honors: Brandon Barhorst, Aldo Barrera, Zachary Bopp, Timothy Buechter, Max Hamlin, Anthony Karns, Mehak Kaur, Meghan McDonald, Madeline McFarland, Brogan McIver, Alexandra Read, Sam Ritze, Seth Sargent, Caitlin Swallow, Amanda Titterington and Griffin West.