March 1, 2001
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri
Valle Catholic High School honor roll
Valle Catholic High School in Ste. Genevieve has released its first semester honor roll.
High Honors
Matt Basler, Carrie Grass, Erin Jokerst, Renee Jokerst, Greg Kettinger, Holly Klein, Lori Linderer, Jessica Nickelson, Ryan Odneal, Jodie Shuh and Andy Stolzer.
Jake Bauman, Brent Huck, Anna Janhsen, Adam Jokerst, Jason Lurk, Tim Meyer, Brian Okenfuss, Jennifer Rozier, Melenke Stolle, Niki Wetteroth and Laura Wibbenmeyer.
Bryan Donze, Matt Jokerst, Kelly Kirchmer, Candace Meyer, Stacy Mueller, Maria Rozier and Tom Wodraska.
Becky Gettinger, Brianne Joggerst, Steve Koller, Katie Loida, Patrick Odneal, Julie Stuppy, Danielle Vishino, and Becky Wehner.
Jonathon Bader, Michelle Gegg, Jason Gettinger, Eric Jokerst, Rebecca Jokerst, Katie Kirchmer, Jennifer Kraenzle, Ryan Kuehn, John McCabe, Cathy Otte, Chrissy Otte, Nick Schweiss, Amanda Spraul, David Weber and Beth Wehner.
Josh Arnold, Julie Beardslee, Adam Bova, Casey Donovan, Kory Drury, Nikki Giesler, Brian Kist, Phil Loida and Aaron Ogden
Ashleigh Davis, Kyle Giesler, Danielle Jokerst, Brandon Kuehn, Colleen Kuehn, Laz Marquart, Melissa McCabe, Renee Meyer, Brandi Schweiss, Joe Stolzer
Becky Bahr, Nathan Gegg, Jason Grass, Nikki Grass, Anna Miller, Molly Rozier and Phillip Stoll.