January 21, 1998
Emmet, Arkansas
The Emmet Schools have announced its honor roll for the first semester.
First grade: Chassidy Adcock, Blake Beard, Niki Booker, Riley Cottingham, Tevarez Dixon, Crystal Esada, Jessica Farnsworth, Jason Harris, Ashley Lambert, Brianna Otwell, Shane Parmer, Shalethia Reed, Brent Richardson and Shaun Smith.
Second grade: Jessica Allen, Chris Ball, Kamryan Bennett, Justin Bobo, Hannah Cleveland, Cassie Daniel, Randi Hoover, Corey Martin, Justin McKillion, Christina Parmer, Tyler Syata and Danielle Willis.
Third grade: Myrriah Chance, Jannel Cook, Troy Elliott, Ashley Esada, Eric Farley, Junior Hart, Tobe Korenek, Christopher Marcum, Dakota McVey, Laci Owens, Ashley Parmer, Amy Roberston and Amber Wiley.
Fourth grade: Steven Ball, Heather Berryman, Casey Burnside, Dalton Hasler, Alyssa Hickey, Cody Jackson, Scott LaRue, Amanda Morris, Lauren Otwell, Brock Richardson and Jennifer Simmons.
Fifth grade: Josh Barham, Clancy Cleveland, Callie Dearinger, Jonathon Dickerson, Kermisha Glasgow, Corey Hardman, Heather Holt, Zach Hoover, Felicia Hopson, Tiffany Kirkpatrick, Monica Love, Bryant McClellan, Shan Otwell, Jennifer Parmer and Ryan Roberson.
Sixth grade: Brittany Daniel, Amber Gulley, Jeana Gutierrez, Dustin Helmick, Jessica Jones, Shay Jones, Nicole McCoy, Haley Muldrow, Natasha Smith and Katie Tuberville.
Seventh grade: Kristol Barham, Nathan Henson, Ashley Hodges, Holly Otwell and John Parmer.
Eighth grade: Christie Adams, Amber Dougan, Devan McClellan, Kayla Schmitt, Keri Schmitt and Kimm Westbrook.
Ninth grade: Alexis Banks, Katie Davidson, Jim Faulkner, Jill Harris, Amanda Hodges, Rose Martin and Dustin Sanders.
Tenth grade: Gusavo Herrera, Chris LaRue and Tambra Tipton.
Twelfth grade: Chandra Banks, Chad Bennett, Amanda Clift, Chary Jackson, Carla McKim and Richard Wicker.
Junior medical students receiving Barton Foundation Scholarships are, l-r, seated: Eric Russell of Bryant, Emily Hinton of Little Rock, Jennifer Steeger of Prescott, Missy Clifton of Dardanelle, D'Andra Bingham of DeQueen, and Kris Hanby of Springdale; standing: Tim Fincher of Pine Buff, John Herring of Warren, Aaron Spann of Jonesboro, James Workman of Bradley, Tom Taylor of Mammoth Spring, Stacey Klutts of Mountain Home, Cody Grammar of Fayetteville, and Doug Blackmon of Wilmot; back row: James Wise of Perryville, Jeff Marotte of Hot Springs Village, and William McDonnell of Hot Springs.
H1>Prescott High Honor Roll Released
Prescott High School has announced its honor roll for the second nine weeks of the fall term.
4.0 GPA(Honor of Excellence):
Grade nine: Josh Bullock, Mark Jones, Rafael Marlow, Chad Martin, Britnie McCauley, Angela McGough, Leslie Russell and Tiffany Young.
Grade ten: Andrea Cossey, Rita Fountain, Carlos Franklin, Christina Hopson, Sunshine Kelly, Jack Nelson, Kristen Teague, Brian Wicker, Laura Beth Williams and Shelly Windham.
Grade eleven: Abby Collins, Holly Hill, Nate Lucena, Marc McGough, Shannon Morrow and Stacy Stockton.
Grade twelve: Andy Almand, Melissa Beavert, Jennifer Bryan, Jesna Cornelius, Ryan Ellis, Amy Jo Farrar, Heath Gammage, Angela Harris, Aaron Hawthorne, Al Johnston, Brock Jordan, Tamara Marlar, Josh Murphy, Melanie Reitzell, Andrea Springer and Jessie Ward.
3.5 to 3.99 GPA (Honor Roll of Merit:
Grade nine: Rolanda Bullock, Treina Dansby, Adam Hill, Jessica Hunt, Billy Manca, Amanda Phillips, Marie Smallwood, Daryl Tidwell and Joey Wyman.
Grade ten: Misty Brown, Rachael Dougan, Tracy Graham, Sarah Hicks, Jennifer Ingram, Laura Johnston, James Moseley, Jeff Moseley, Crystal Moss, Tiffany Nolen, Bridgette Sockwell, Donisha Williamson and Brett Wish.
Grade eleven: Leslie Grimes, Phillip Harris, Jessica Hendrix, Jarrod Yates and Doug Young.
Grade twelve: Tammy Anderson, Jana Barfield, Tameka Beasley, Kim Chambliss, Al Formby, Mike Fountain, Lindsey Franks, Jason Kisselburg, Jason Morrow, Ada Nixon, Dean Oliver, Tony Overton, Aaron Ratcliff, Candi Smith, Evelyn Smith, Kelly Wren and Sheria Young.
3.0 to 3.49 GPA (Honor Roll):
Grade nine: Fallon Adams, Brandon Bates, April Campbell, Tocura Giles, Candi Hall, Lateisha Heard, Aaron Helmick, Leigh Hillery, Mistie Holly, Chad Hughes, Mistee Jackson, Abby Morman, Brook Smith, Liz Thompson, Alex Wilson and Daniel Windham.
Grade ten: Danielle Box, Jessica Brooks, Erica Burdue, Princess Dansby, Vontrice Flemmons, Wesley George, Billy Gleason, Jeania Haynie, Rod Hopson, Tyrone Lacy, Michael Sellers, Shakara Sims, Nicole Spigner and Misty Stigaullde.
Grade eleven: T.J. Glass, Derrick Hardamon, Erica Haynie, Scott Hobbs, David Huntley, Dee Jarvis, Shanna Loe, Jarrod Miller, Lencola Nixon, Josh Ratcliff and Tiffany Trevillion.
Grade twelve: Shekitha Bryant, Natasha Brunston, Amanda Cox, Carlos Flemons, Doug Flenory, Sharlene Henry, Heath Ingram, Jason Jobe, LaShondra Johnson, Jane Manca, Shontelle McKillion, Toni Muldrow, Joey Nelson, Kwanza Randle, Clint Stockton, Gary Stovall and Mike Wilson.