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NEW YORK - Verona - Vernon-Verona-Sherrill High School Honor Roll 1st Marking Period - January 24, 2008

Posted By: Honor Students Archive
Date: Monday, 2 September 2024, at 4:06 a.m.

January 24, 2008

Verona, New York

Vernon-Verona-Sherrill High School Honors

VERONA - The following students at Vernon-Verona-Sherrill High School were named to the high honor rolls and honor rolls for the first marking period.

9th Grade High Honor Roll

Abigail Adams, Chelsea Armlin, Brandon Babcock, Amber Bailey, Andrea Barattini, Cole Barbano, David Beasock, Bryant Benway, Connor Blehar, Eric Booth, Shane Bortle, Katelyn Bowers, Paige Brown, Kaitlyn Butka, Adam Chandler, Jordan Cousin, Meaghan Crandall, Crystal Cummings, Robert Dewaine, Cody Doane, John Egan IV, Michael Eichenlaub, Amanda Emmerich, Matthew Femia, Emily Fewer, Jenna Fiacco, Danielle Fields, Brooke Ford, Steven Geer, Kayla Graham, Dylan Guider, Jessica Hawthorne, Casey Henderson, Cody Kobler, Christopher Leonesio, Ashley Levatino, Tyler Mautner, Ian Nasutowicz, Andrew Oliver, Isaac Pitman, Kyle Renwick, Robert Romeo, Matthew Saunders, Gabrielle Saville, Tracee Schiebel, Elaine Slaven, Lauren Stewart, Rebekah Talbot, Emily Tallarino, Mary Toro, Meghan Vaill, Brady Vaughn, Thomas Visalli, Jacob Voelker, Laura Wojdyla, Maria Zumpano.

9th Grade Honor Roll

Ian Adams, Andrew Aurigema, Howard Bantle, Christopher Brunscheen, Brittany Nicole Carey, Colin Ciccotti, Dustin Comings, Ashley Counihan, Geoffrey Crandall, Tyler Curtis, Alyssa Durant, Travis Eaton, Brittani Edwards, Holli Ford, Jacquelynn Frank, Alexander Gilbert, Justine M. Goldbas, Amanda Gower, Paige Harding, Brittany Heysler, Michael Hildreth, Alexandria Hojohn, Emily Hudson, Jacob Jacobus, Dylan Kavanaugh, Mercedes A. Legler, Adam Litterio, Matthew Lumbard, Anthony Matt, John May, Kevin May Jr., Trenton Mosman, Kaitlin Nageldinger, Cari Niles, Christopher Pawlikowski, Heidi Pawlowski, Michael Piazza, Charles Pritchard, Launa Marie Richmond, Kaylee Rugg, Thomas Solan, Robert Stanton III, Morgan Stone, Jane Suttmeier, Kyle Szkotak, Stephanie Thompson, Emma Twiss, Jade Vanderhoof, Kendyl VanDresar, Alisha Vullo, Jennifer Wagner, Collin Way, Claire Willey, Anthony Yousey.

10th Grade High Honor Roll

Alexis Anne Albro, Breanna Leigh Avery, Andrew V. Bates, Alicia M. Bhuiyan, Luis R. Boice, Alycia K. Bosworth, Ariel Morgan Brim, Danielle Barbara Brindisi, Rachel E. Brown, Elizabeth M. Bush, Teighlar A. Carney, Jonathan Michael Carpenter Jr., Dominique N. Coy, Sarah L. Dedrick, Zachery James DeWolfe, Ryan J. Dickey, Ryan M. Dugan, Dana Jo Ernest, Andrew M. Foster, Anna Lynne Gilmour, Jacob Ross Graham, Tyler James Green, Michael D. Hayward, Nicholas A. Heintz, Steven P. Houck, Chelsea S. Hubbard, Mitchell W. Iseneker, Sarah E. Jarecki, Ashley M. Johnson, Luke P. Johnson, Catherine E. Kane, Samantha L. Kegebein, Soo Yeon Lee, Lauren Rose MacDonald, Maxwell Isaac Malbouf, Cailee E. McWilliams, Melissa Sue Meyers, Rachel B. Miley, Elizabeth Joan Peavey, Justin R. Peavey, Kathleen Lyn Peck, Rebecca Pratt, Megan V. Reed, Sharee Lynn Rutz, Taylor M. Salamone, Kevin M. Sayles, Nikki L. Schiebel, Eric Eugene Sells, Shailene E. Shlotzhauer, Mary C. Spinella, Shane M. Sullivan, Brandon James Teeps, Dylan M. Trost, Daniel J. Urtz, Rachel Ellen Wigell, Margaret S. Yoxall.

10th Grade Honor Roll

Cassandra Ann Card, Jevon M. Ceraulo, Kyla J. Cox, Erin L. Curtis, Jason T. Dalton, Andrew J. Dam, Stephen Daniel Davis, Jonathan W. Davis, Lindzy Jean Egan, Cassandra L. Ernenwein, Sean Douglas Ervin, James Allan Gorton, Chelsea J. Green, Zachary B. Jennings, Kevin A. Kiner, Zachary F. Laguzza, Nathan Lewis, Zachariah M. MacDonald, William Joseph Marshall, Joshua M. Masi, John D. McDonough, Alexander T. Mieczkowski, Nicholas Ryan Mieczkowski, Teresa I. Moats, Christopher J. Moore, Julie Dolores Rathbun, Cassandra Reinhardt, Matthew R. Richmond, Ryan Roberson, Anthony R. Rocco, Marissa Ann Rusaw, Benjamin A. Siedsma, Courtney S. Smith, Jacqueline A. Tahou, Christopher R. Tudman, Andrew M. Wagner, Nicole G. Waldron, Daniel J. Walts, Alyssa M. Ward, Teal Jade Wehner.

11th Grade High Honor Roll

Nicholas Altmann, Kelsey D. Arjona, Florian K. Austilat, Joseph F. Barbano, Samantha E. Bayne, Kari E. Beal, Micah Leo Bitz, Aaron Thomas Browka, Rachel Lynn Burleigh, Megan Carney, Damien M. Ceraulo, Kerri C. Chadderdon, Edwin K. Chang, Arron Clark, John Clark, Brianna N. Clinch, Raymond J. Cook, Evan C. Croll, Ingrid C. Dantas, Chelsea E. Dixon, Brian Scott Douglass, Robert M. Drozynski, Shannon V. DuChene, Anne L. Eichenlaub, Jared James Fink, Karl J. Frank, Brianna M. Fraone, Kayla C. Goetz, Marla G. Guy, Kaeli Jo Harney, Emily Michele Hartman, Patrice M. Jacobus, Madeline Mary Jones, Katherine K. Junglen, Adam M. Kemp, Kevin D. Kimball, Caitlin Marie Kranbuhl, Katherine S. Krawiec, Jillian E. Lehmann, Nicholas S. Macrina, Maria E. Mancebo, Gabriella J. May, Nathaniel Thomas McEwen, Ryan C. McGrath, Shannon Alexandra Merritt, Nicholas M. Moshier, Ariel Louise Murphy, Karri J. Nisiewicz, Christopher Preston O'Neill, Joshua Paul Page, Geoffrey P. Pawlikowski, Lucas J. Pitman, Laura J. Renwick, Taurie A. Roman, Courtney Taylor Shaut, Kevin David Siegenthaler, James R. Stacy, Elizabeth A. Stevens, Shannon E. Stickels, Hillary Gretchen Stoltz, Matthew D. Stone, Erica K. Strife, Britany L. Teeps, Tonya N. Terenzetti, Peter Andrew Thompson, Tyler S. Tormey, Sean David Turner, Lucas M. Voelker, Katie J. Watkins, David A. Willson.

11th Grade Honor Roll

Jessica Ann Baird, Mariah J. Black, Crystal Bloss, Brittany Diann Bouyea, Michelle R. Buczek, Rose M. Chamberlin, Crystal D. Cole, Jamie Beth Collins, Walter Earl Collins, Jr., John A. Davis, Mary A. Dawley, Lovely Ann D. Deecher, William A. Dodson, Jennifer Rose Dombroski, Nicholas T. Eppolito, David J. Grossman, Jennie L. Hatch, Daniel A. Hereth, James R. Houck, Dillon L. Janes, Shelby M. Janowski, Alexandra Elizabeth Jones, Rikki Lee Kneeskern, Rachel A. Laclair, Anthony V. Masi, Victoria J. Moats, Sarah Lynn Mortise, Lindsey Joanne Noble, Patrick K. O'Brien, Emily K. Olney, Michael A. Oropeza, Lauren Elyse Pallas, Travis James Pawlikowski, Matthew J. Richmond, Jeremy Brian Roden, Aaron Jack Rogowski, Amanda L. Ross, Elizabeth R. Schofield, Carly Rose Shaut, Robert Kegan Spear, Matthew Joseph Thurston, Michael Jay Thurston, Britney L. Vanderhoof, Sophia Kristine Williams.

12th Grade High Honor Roll

Jessica Anderson, Andrew J. Armstrong, Michelle Lee Artessa, Elizabeth R. Aurigema, Molly Avery, Stephanie Avery, Michael John Barattini, Portia Baxter, Christopher D. Beal, Andrew Philip Bennett, Patrick K. Bennett, Vaughn Bennett, Dillon Robert Bilodeau, Michael E. Blair, Brendan T. Blehar, Leana Boice, John D. Bougourd, Richard C. Bougourd, Kimberly R. Brockway, Todd M. Brown, Kelly Brunscheen, Mandee Jo Burdick, Brittany Capron, Matthew K. Carroll, Joshua M. Chandler, Ashley C. Collins, Brandi J. Colvin, Seth C. Conley, Katie M. Connelly, Casey Cossitt-Yager, Mason Amelio Curtacci, Alyson E. Dalton, Mark A. Davis, Kaleigh C. Dixon, Douglas Fitchard Doolen, Ashley E. Driscoll, Kara K. DuChene, Virginia M. Egan, Eric H. Eggleston, Andie M. Ernenwein, Jordan S. Ezman, Jonathon D. Fogg, Virgena M. Fromey, Samuel J. Getman, Justin M. Grimm, Monica L. Guider, Kristilee Elizabeth Halpin, Makayla A. Hayes, Carol A. Hennessy, Renee F. Hildreth, Megan S. Hoole, Zachary L. Jensen, Jordan E. Johnson, Michael John Jones, Jennifer Sue Kegebein, Anne M. King, Andrew J Linneman, Justin L. Loboda, Amethyst M. Lowry, Keith Allen Lumbard, Keisha R. Malone, Monica E. Mancebo, Mallory J. Mariano, Morgan J. Mariano, Melissa A. Markowski, Ryan C. Matt, Sarah A. McElroy, Chelsea M. McWilliams, Jessica L. Meyers, Jeremy James Mieczkowski, Brittany J. Miller, Emilie Morris, Thomas W. Novak, James D. Ostrander, Brent M. Pickerd, Kevin M. Porter, Timothy Michael Rathbun, Katherine E. Reed, Kimberly Regner, Kasey R. Robb, Randy Sachs, Nicholas J. Salamone, Matthew R. Sayles, Matthew J. Schieferstine, Allison P. Service, John E. Slaven, Derek J. Smith, Justin A. Smith, Melissa A. Snizek, Susan St. Louis, Katherine M. Stanton, Alyssa Ann Stewart, Dana M. Stockbridge, Brandi Leigh Streeter, Shane T. Sullivan, Jessica L. Sweet, Kaitlyn E. Teeps, Emily N. Thurston, Anna Catherine Toepp, Jordan J. Tudman, Vincent M. Vullo, Elizabeth A. Ward, Lucas R. Wonderley.

12th Grade Honor Roll

Mieya F. Baxtron, Jesse Beecher, Thomas G. Billings, Hillary Lynn Cadwell, Vito J. Ceraulo, Jenna L. Curtis, Mark T. Dixon, Krystal Nicole Doane, John Dutchick III, John Robert Elerick, Sarah B. Fahey, Jessica Ilene Fields, Gary Daniel Gibson, Barbara Ann Gross, Amanda Lynn Hall, Erika Marie Hall, Samantha N. Harding, Gregory Russell Iannello Jr., Derrick R. Johnson, Todd Kirkham, Ethan M. Law, Angela K. Lewis, Steven H. Long, Sarah K. Marshall, Ashley A. Mason, Matthew W. McElhinney, Megan E. Metzger, Christopher P. Olney, Justin Michael Parker, Stepfanie L. Peck, Timothy Eugene Ross, Courtney E. Scanlon, Elizabeth A. Schilling, Cassandra A. Simonson, Eric S. Smith, John Totski, Cortney L. VanDresar, Vicky L. VanLare, Ryan Jacob Wendt, Matthew J. Wilczak, Ryan D. Wile, John M. Woods.

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