January 29, 1976
Mangun, Oklahoma
Mangum Junior High School Honor Roll
Honor students for the second nine weeks of school, and also for the first semester, were announced this week from junior high school by Jim Bull, principal.
Honor students for the second nine-weeks period were:
"A" Honor Roll — Mary Goodman, Teresa Heatly, Debbie Taylor, Tina Veazey and Shawn Blood.
"B" Honor Roll — Jackie Barron, Brenda Callins, Nancy Cole, Donna Cooley, Mia MacRobert, Judy Martin, Sheila Moon, Susan Ottinger, Flora Pineda, Mary Smith, Debra Thomas and Malesa White.
"A" Honor Roll — Sarah Givens, Jeri Hulsey, Michelle Nippert, Rose Mary Pineda, Melissa Price, Starla Snow, Terri Warner and Mark Anderson.
"B" Honor Roll — Barbara Bowman, Brenda Burcham, Glenda Burcham, Lisa Lovett, Lynda McElroy, Shelly Pryor, Debra Reed, Shelly Slaton, Jerry Burcham, Robert Davenport, Junior Gelnar, Perry Hamilton, Ricky Hobbs and Mark Williamson.
"A" Honor Roll — Dorothery Barron, Marci Bull, Ascension Pineda, Debra Reed, Kheva Warner, Jack McDaniel.
"B" Honor Roll — Stephanie Herndon, Fonda Herron, Linda Vinson, Billie Shaw, Tommy McMinn and Pat Struck.
Listed on the semester honor roll were:
"A" Honor Roll — Mary Goodman, Teresa Heatly, Judy Martin, Susan Ottinger, Mary Smith, Debbie Taylor, Tina Veazey, Rip Birdwell, Shawn Blood and Sherman Houck.
"B" Honor Roll — Jackie Barron, Jerri Burcham, Brenda Callins, Nancy Cole, Donna Cooley, Jennifer Houck, Mia MacRoberts, Sheila Moon, Flora Pineda Debra Thomas, Malesa White, Bert Dyer and Dennis Gilbert.
"A" Honor Roll — Sarah Givens, Jeri Hulsey, Michelle Nippert, Rose Mary Pineda, Melissa Price, Starla Snow, Terri Warner, Mark Anderson, Junior Gelnar and Mark Williamson.
"B" Honor Roll — Barbara Bowman, Brenda Burcham, Glenda Burcham, Rhonda Ellis, Lisa Lovett, Lynda McElroy, Elaine Mills, Shelly Pryor, Debbie Reed, Laura Rogers, Shelly Slaton, Kay Thompson, Jerry Burcham, Robert Davenport, Perry Hamilton, Doug Hendricks, Ricky Hobbs, Scott Tate and Tim Veazey.
"A" Honor Roll — Marci Bull, Ascension Pineda, Debra Reed, Kheva Warner and Billie Shaw.
"B" Honor Roll — Dorothery Barron, Stephanie Herndon, Fonda Herron, Cathy Spence, Linda Vinson, Rick Blood, Jack McDaniel, Tommy McMinn, Mike Milner and Pat Struck.