April 4, 1968
Fenton, Iowa
Sentral High School
Honor roll at Sentral is announced
Fenton — The following Junior and Senior high school students have made the Sentral High School honor roll the third quarter.
Those students who have a straight A average have an asterisk beside their name.
Seniors — Marlin Berkland*, Jill Blanchard, Susan Blanchard, Mary Ellen Loftsworth*, Rachel Gade, Carol Jones, Jackie Jones, Robert Krause, Mary Lee Madison, Margo Rusch, Sandra Seegebarth and Teresa Voigt*.
Juniors — Cathy Bergum, James Bollig, Jane Bollig, Ann Fortney, Jolene Gangestad, Mike Jackson, Theresa Kennedy*, Linda Kracht, Cindy Lockwood, David Marlow*, Mary Ohnemus, Steve Schlei and Paula Wiener.
Sophomores - Keven Brace, James Breese, Linda Doocy, Bruce Gerhart, Jean Hammerstom, Kathy Jensen, Rickie Johannesen, Lynnette Johnson, Peggy Kauffman, Rhonda Kern, Melba Krause, and Linda Sunde.
Freshmen — Mike Berkland, Debra Bierle, Mark Gangestad, Janet Holcomb, Anne Krause, Susan Luedtke*, Steve Newbrough, Ted Pompe, Robert Potratz, Dean Struecker, and Randy Vaudt.
Eighth — Carrie Bergum, Paula Berkland, Myron Cypers, Karen Feye, David Kading, Marilyn Mitchell, John Nyman, Roland Ostwald, Darlene Priebe, Marla Waite and Debra Zumach.
Seventh — Elaine Bauer, Vickie Bruhn, Kay Dreyer, Lavida Gingerich, Jean Hammerstrom, Carol Johnson, Mike Kennedy, Sandra Knoll, Joy Kraft, Alice Krause, Barry Priebe, Deborah Raab, Leann Schlei, and Cindy Voigt.