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Honor Students Archive

INDIANA - Yorktown - Yorktown High School Awards and Honors 1995-1996 - August 18, 1996

Posted By: Honor Students Archive
Date: Monday, 2 September 2024, at 4:07 a.m.

August 18, 1996

Yorktown, Indiana

Yorktown High School Awards and Honors

The following underclassmen at Yorktown High School received awards and honors for 1995-96:

Susan Adams: A-B Honor Roll, Hoosier Girls State Delegate and National Honor Society.

Kelli Addison: A Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, English Achievement, National Honor Society and Spanish Award

Alisha Adkins: Art, English Achievement and Microsoft Works Award.

Joe Allardt: Excellent Attendance Award.

Ashley Allen: Keyboarding Award.

Zak Allmand: English Achievement Award.

Krista Ambrosetti: Art Award.

Brandi Baird: Microsoft Works Award.

Ryan Barnard: Outstanding Freshmen Musician Award.

Abble Barnes: A-B Honor Roll.

Julie Baughn: German Award.

Erin Boaster: A-B Honor Roll, Excellent Attendance and Spanish Awards.

Christi Beaty: English Achievement and Excellent Attendance Awards.

Steve Bevelhimer: Student Council Member.

Matt Bliss: Excellent Attendance Award.

Lucas Boehm: Accounting Award

Christina Bogue: Art Award.

Angie Bowen: A-B Honor Roll, English Achievement and Excellent Attendance Awards.

Debbie Branscome: Outstanding Photography Award.

Amanda Bright: Art Award and Junior Class Secretary.

Dawn Brinson: A-B Honor Roll, English and German Achievement Awards.

Angie Brotherton: Outstanding Marketing Student.

Eric Brown: Skill Bowl Award.

Scott Burrell: Junior Class Treasurer.

Bret Cantrell: Keyboarding Award.

Kelly Carnes: English Achievement Award.

Rebecca Cartwright: English Achievement Award

Sarah Cashdollar: Freshmen Class Treasurer

Nicole Chasteen: A-B Honor Roll, Art and English Achievement Awards.

Ryan Childers: A-B Honor Roll, National Honor Society, Outstanding Business Law Student and Spanish Award.

Angela Christman: A-B Honor Roll, English Achievement and Spanish Awards

Sarah Church: A-B Honor Roll and English Achievement Award

Jena Ciempola: A-B Honor Roll and Excellent Attendance Award.

Justin Clairday: Hoosier Boys State Delegate

Zachary Clark: A-B Honor Roll, Japanese Award and National Honor Society

Katie Conlon: A-B Honor Roll and English Achievement Award

Erik Cox: Excellent Attendance and German Awards.

Andy Crawford: A-B Honor Roll.

Tyler Crockett: Academic Award of Excellence, Purdue University Junior Scholar in Science and Senator Richard Lugar Leadership Symposium.

Brea Dabreko: English Award.

Travis Dailey: A-B Honor Roll and English Achievment Award.

Chris Daugherty: A-B Honor Roll, English Achievment and Perfect Attendance Awards.

Rachelis DeBoer: A-B Honor Roll.

Jennifer Dinkins: A-B Honor Roll.

Kyle Dotson: Excellent Attendance Award.

Andy Downing: A-B Honor Roll and Excellent Attendance Award.

Josh Duncan: English Achievement Award.

Jason Duplaga: English Achievement Award.

Anne Eadie: English Achievement Award and Yearbook Editor.

Adam Edgell: Excellent Attendance.

Jamie Engle: A-B Honor Roll

Jason Eppard: Excellent Attendance.

Nicole Ester: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, German, Most Valuable Choir Member and Perfect Attendance Awards

Ben Fisher: A-B Honor Roll, English Achievement Award, German Award, Junior Class Vice President and National Honor Society

Chris Flook: A-B Honor Roll, English and Keyboarding Awards.

Todd Flowers: Outstanding Freshmen FBLA Member and Perfect Attendance.

Matt Ford: A Honor Roll, English Achievement, Excellent Attendance and Keyboarding Awards and Student Council Member.

Sharon Ford: A-B Honor Roll, Art and English Achievement Awards.

Heather Foanaugh: English Achievement Award.

Tim Freeman: German Award.

Elizabeth Friedle: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Algebra III & IV and German Awards, Hugh 0' Brien Leadership Award and Student Council Member.

Joel Fuller: English Award.

Brian Garrett: Newspaper Editor.

Lucas Gilbert: English Achievement Award, Excellent Attendance, National Honor Society and Spanish Award.

Alex Gilpin: A-B Honor Roll and English Achievement Award.

Kendra Goad: Keyboarding Award.

Craig Gommel: A-B Honor Roll and German Award.

Alysha Goodpaster: English Achievement Award.

Alyssya Gossett: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Keyboarding, Skill Bowl, English Achievement and German Awards, National Honor Society and
Student Council Member.

Chris Greene: Perfect Attendance Award.

Chris Greer: Perfect Attendance Award.

Adam Haffner: A-B Honor Roll, Academic

Award of Excellence, Art, English Achievement

and Excellent Attendance Awards.

Brad Hahn: Student Council Member.

Felicity Hall: Excellent Attendance Award.

Beth Hardin: German Award.

Christy Hayes: English Achievement and Spanish Awards.

Pam Hayes: A-B Honor Roll.

Nikki Hensley: Introduction to Business Award.

April Herwehe: Outstanding Sophomore FBLA Member.

Heather Hitchcock: English Achievement and Excellent Attendance Awards.

Katie Hickel: English Achievement and Excellent Attendance Awards and Freshmen Class President.

Emily Hill: A-B Honor Roll and Excellent Attendance Award.

Justin Hill: A-B Honor Roll, Excellent Attendance and German Awards.

Ryan Hitz: English Achievement Award.

Nadia Hoage: A-B Honor Roll and Academic Award of Excellence.

Greg Hofherr: Excellent Attendance Award.

Brooke Holding: Introduction to Business Award.

Scott Holtzclaw: A-B Honor Roll.

David Hostetler: A-B Honor Roll.

Joni Hovis: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence and Excellent Attendance Award.

Jarrod Hummer: Skill Bowl Award.

Guiana Hurd: Keyboarding Award.

Erin Hutto: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, English Achievement, Microsoft Works Award, National Honor Society and Skill Bowl.

Derek Ippel: Algebra III & IV Award.

Katy Kammeyer: Courtesy/Leadership and English Achievement Awards.

Lissy Kammeyer: Excellent Attendance Award and Freshmen Vice President

Megan Key: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Spanish Award and Student Council Member.

Marge Kish: English Achievement Award.

Mike Koger: A-B Honor Roll and English Achievement Award.

Melissa Latta: A-B Honor Roll.

Shannon Layne: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Art and English Awards, National Honor Society, Participation and Spanish Awards and Student
Council Member.

Rianna Lesh: Art Award

LaTia Lewis: A-B Honor Roll Excellent Attendance, Introduction to Business, and Keyboarding Awards.

Ryan Liddy: English Achievement Award.

Zac Lightner: A-B Honor Roll.

Billie Linder: English Achievement Award.

Katy Litwora: English Achievement Award.

Nick Lozar: A-B Honor Roll, German Award, Hoosier Boys State Delegate. English Achievement Award, National Honor Society and Outstanding Photography Student.

Scott Lozar: A Honor Roll, English Achievement, German and Keyboarding Awards.

Krissy Maclntyre: A Honor Roll.

Brooke Mader: Excellent Attendance Award.

Erin Maidlow: Art Award

Andrea Martin: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Keyboarding Application Award and Sophomore Class Vice President

David Martin: Keyboarding Award.

Chris Marvin: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Art and German Award.

Joe McGrew: Excellent Attendance Award.

Krissy McIntyre: English Achievement and German Awards.

Nicole Melender: English Achievement Award.

Melessa Miller: A-B Honor Roll.

Josh Minter: A-B Honor Roll, Keyboarding Award and Student Council Member.

Jeremy Mixell: A-B Honor Roll, Courtesty/Leadership, English and German Awards and Outstanding Sophomore Musician.

Chris Mogush: Ail and Excellent Attendance Awards.

Jason Molnar: A Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, English Achievement, National Honor Society Treasurer, Skill Bowl and Spanish Awards.

Mark Monastryski: A Honor Roll. Academic Award of Excellence, English Achievement and German Awards, Hoosier Boys State Alternate, National Honor Society Vice President, Purdue University Junior Scholar in Social Studies and Skill Bowl.

Maryann Mooney: Keyboarding Award.

Ann Nelson: Introduction to Business Award.

Nic Newby: A-B Honor Roll, Art Award. Courtesy/Leadership, English Achievement and German Awards, National Honor Society, Purdue University, Junior Scholer in Foreign Language and Skill Bowl.

Lonna Nicholson: Art Award.

Jene Nye: National Honor Society

Nathan O'Rourke: A Honor Roll and Courtesy/Leadership Award.

Carrie Owen: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Algebra Ill & IV Award, Courtesy/Leadership and German Awards and Skill Bowl

Nellie Owen: Art, English Achievement and German Awards, National Honor Society, Outstanding Junior Musician and Skill Bowl.

Allison Patterson: A-B Honor Roll and Introduction to Business Award.

Hattie Pavlechko: A-B Honor Roll, Art Award, Courtesy/Leadership, Excellent Attendance Awards, Freshmen Class Secretary and Keyboarding

Amy Perkins: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence and Spanish Award.

Emily Perkins: A Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Newspaper Editor, English Achievement and Berman Awards, Hoosier Girls State Alternate, National
Honor Society President, Outstanding Achievement in Math, Purdue University Junior Scholar in Mathematics and Skill Bowl.

Jonathan Perkins: Excellent Attendence and Keyboarding Awards

Misty Pfanz: A-B Honor Roll.

Beth Pottenger: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Art and English Achievement Awards, Outstanding Sophomore FBLA Member and Spanish Award.

Jennifer Preston: Art and Excellent Attendance Awards.

Jennifer Priest: Keyboarding Award.

Noel Proudfoot: Art and Excellent Attendance Awards.

Ben Pursley: Excellent Attendance Award.

Raquel Rameriz: A-B Honor Roll. Academic Award of Excellence, Algebra III & IV Award, Sophomore Class Treasurer and Spanish Award.

Elizabeth Ramsey: Director's Award.

Greg Reece: Excellent Attendance Award.

John Reece: Excellent Attendance Award.

Krista Reed: Art Award.

Robin Reeves: A-B Honor Roll.

Kristy Reynolds: English Achievement Award.

Gene Rhea: A-B Honor Roll and English Achievement Award.

Jared Rhum: Perfect Attendance Award.

Jana Richards: Spanish Award.

Sara Richards: Excellent Attendance Award

Shantel Riegle: Excellent Attendance Award.

Brenda Rissmiller: English Achievement

Award. Kate Rock: English Achievement Award.

Chad Rose: English Achievement Award.

Tittani Saidi: Art Award.

Stephanie Saunders: Perfect Attendance Award.

Andy Scholl: Student Council Member.

Marie Scott: Outstanding Marketing Student.

Erin Sheward: Berman Award.

Kim Sizemore: Excellent Attendance Award.

Danielle Smith: English Achievement Award.

Amber Spangler: A-B Honor Roll, Art and English Achievement Awards, National Honor Society and Perfect Attendance.

Nick Staton: Art Award.

Tiffany Stauffer: Outstanding Junior FBLA Member and Outstanding Marketing Student.

Erin Stewart: A-B Honor Roll and Art Award.

Peter Stigers: A Honor Roll and German Award.

Jimmy Stinson: A-B Honor Roll, English Achievement and Keyboarding Applications Awards.

JaneIle Stough: English Achievement Award

Becky Stuckey: Microsoft Works Award

J.V. Stutfel: English Achievement Award.

Scott Swain: Art and Keyboarding Applications Awards.

Jody Swinehart: Keyboarding Applications Award.

Cathy Swoveland: A-B Honor Roll, English Achievement and Spanish Award.

Amber Szwarc: Art Award.

Erica Taylor: Intoduction to Business Award and Muncie Area Career Center Student of the Year.

Drew Terrell: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence and Student Council Member.

Kim Tetrault: A-B Honor Roll and English Achievement Award.

Brock Triplett: Excellent Attendance Award.

Nathan Trissell: Excellent Attendance Award.

Brian Turner: English Achievement Award.

Jami Turner: A-B Honor Roll and Keyboarding Award.

Larry Ullman: Excellent Attendance.

Paige Valekis: A-B Honor Roll and English Achievement Award.

Ryan Van Donselaar: Art Award

Hillary Vogt: Art and English Achievement Awards, Hoosier Girls State Alternate, Japanese Award, Keyboarding and Microsoft Works Awards, and National Honor Society Secretary

Amanda Walker: Keyboarding Award.

Brett Webster: Art and English Achievement Awards

Ben Wesseler: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Art. English Achievement and German Awards

John West: A Honor Roll, German and Keyboarding Awards.

Lars Wiemken: Computer Application Award and International Exchange Student Recognition.

Josh Wilder: Excellent Attendance Award

Dennis Williams: A-B Honor Roll, Art, English Achievement and Participation Awards.

Derrick Williams: A-B Honor Roll, Art, English Achievement and Participation Awards

Jeff Williams: Perfect Attendance.

Kristeena Wilson: Excellent Attendance.

Lisa Wooley: Spanish Award.

Kendra Wright: Student Council Member.

Matt Youngblood: German Award.

Karen Zeabart: Sophomore Class President.

Krissy Zeabart: A-B Honor Roll, Academic Award of Excellence, Art, English Achievement and German Awards, Hoosier Girls State Delegate, Junior Class President, National Honor Society, Participation Award, Purdue University Junior English Scholar, Skill Bowl, Sen Lugar's Leadership Symposium, Skill Bowl and Xerox Humanities/Social Science Award.

Susanna Zebelle: Outstanding Freshman FBLA Member Award

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