February 12, 1976
Georgetown, Delaware
Sussex Central High School
Grade 12
A Honor Roll - Stephen Bastianelli, Daniel Betts, Ralph Graves, George Lisehora, Edward Murphy, Faye Collins, Christine Tempe and Arthur Smith.
B Honor Roll - Gloria Bailey, Norma Batchelor, Kelly Canell, Frank Conaway, Sheredia Conaway, Dean Daisey, Gene Funds, Victoria Godwin, Teresa Hammond, Keith Hastings, William Hazeltine, Pam Hudson, Sharon Jackson, Pamela Johnson, Sharon Johnson, Kenny Jones, Thomas Jones, Joseph Kaehler, Preston Lewis, Charlene Marsh, Jayne Mumford, Ruth Radish, Patricia Reed, Judy Rogers, Lester Rust, Annabelle Sample, Robert Simpkins, Keith Stuart, Glenn Timmons and Brenda Vogt
Grade 11
A Honor Roll - Christine Davidson and Margaret Short
B Honor Roll - Janet Baker, Damon Ball, Carol Collins, Keith Cooper, Michele Daisey, Sandra Dorey, John Ellingsworth, James Fisher, Renee Gallimore, Bonnie Harris, Ivalene Johnson, Richard Johnson, Lana Larson, Patti Lowe, Douglas Marvel, Bret Matz, Douglas Mays, Lena Melvin, Kathy Nibblett, Jeff Revel, David Smith, Marilyn Thomas, Izetta Vogt and James Waddell.
Grade 10
A Honor Roll - Marina Acevedo, Heather Cannon, William Pepper and David Stuchlik.
B Honor Roll - Kimberly Baker, Kimberly Bowden, Christine Boyer, Shirley Boyer, Harry Burton, John Collins, Audrey Connor, Arlene Copes, Linda Gooss, James Hanzer, Candace Hawley, Glen Hill, Barbara Mann, Gregory Macklin, Shelly Matthews, Gayle Messick, Karen Moore, Ivan Neal, Sonia Oney, Ellen Rivers, Janet Smith, Alicia Trott, Harold Venable, Lisa Wilkerson and Thomas Wyatt.