June 22, 1952
Bristol, Louisiana
Bristol Elementary School Honor Roll
BRISTOL - Thirty-eight of the Bristol Elementary school made the honor roll for the 1951-52 session, James O. Burleigh, principal, announced yesterday.
The sixth grade, with 10 students, had the larger number on the roll for the year, followed by the seventh, with seven students.
The list is a follows:
First grade:
Patsy Veneable, Allen Meche;
Second grade:
Iva Mae Winn, Marie Louise Venable, Lucinda Mille, Thelma Meche, Mary Lee Faul, Ruetta Fae Burleigh, Shirley Bearb, Murphy Richard, Stanley Hebert, Clovis Forriestier;
Third grade:
Gail Bourque, Kathleen Bourque, Nell Rose Meche, Mary Ann Prejean, Mary Lee Winn, Merlin Leger;
Fourth grade:
Darrell Bourque, Andrew Thibodeaux, Gloria Mae Leger;
Fifth grade:
Gerald Johnson, Jeanette Richard, Jimmy Leger, Kenneth Leger, Dorothy Moreau, Emma Lou Bearb;
Sixth grade:
Mary Lee Venable, Ruby Thibodeaux, Barbara Ann Winn, Barbara Nell Faul;
Seventh grade:
Nell Rose Arceneaux, Romona Bourque, Georgianna Richard, Bonnie Belle Venable, Emile Broussard, Gerald Forrestier, J. E. Serrin.