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NEBRASKA - David City - David City Public Schools Honor Roll 1st Semester - February 25, 1999

Posted By: Honor Students Archive
Date: Monday, 2 September 2024, at 4:07 a.m.

February 25, 1999

David City, Nebraska

David City Public Schools Honor Roll

The following earned a spot on the first semester honor roll, which is GPA range of 93 to 105:

Seniors: Jesse Adamy, Cassie Burnett, Andrew Courtright, Colin Daro, Amber Garrison, Mark Hassebrook, Tiffany Hecker, Jared Heller, Crystal Hohmann, Wendy Hollmann, Chad Kershner, Amy Morbach, Travis Rathje, Branden Rech, Rachelle Theewen, Philipp Ulrich, Jennifer Ventris and Justan Wynegar.

Juniors: Corey Adamy, Condreay Cooper, Jessica Daro, Crystal From, Katie Harris, Elizabeth Huxoll, Cherette Mastny, Evan Neesen, Sunshine Prothman, Bradley Stastny and Matt Trowbridge.

Sophomores: Jeff Andel, Summer Ayers, Kylie Bathen, Rebecca Battaglia, Stephanie Comte, Laura Fletcher, Staci Hecker, Zachary McIntyre and Jessica Struck.

Freshmen: Anthony Beringer, Megan Boss, Stephanie Crook, Greta Jones, Katie Kabourek, Ann Marie Matulka, Amber Rech, Deanna Schatz, Zachary Schindler and Renee Supancheck.

Eighth-graders: Joshua Codr, Christopher Glock, Michael Graybill, Elizabeth Hart, Kami Kuhlman, Shane McClintic, Ian Neesen, Cory Polacek, Chad Prochaska, Sherilyn Savig, Jeffrey Schmid and Scott Stranberg.

Seventh-graders: Abby Bathen, Tyler Courtright, Samantha Hopwood, Stephanie Jansen, Brett Jones, Annie Kobza, Jeana Mach, Katie McClintic, Colby McIntyre, Gerardo Pedraza, Tiffany Prothman, Sarah Schroeder and Ian Stabbe.

The following earned a spot on the first semester honorable mention honor roll, which is a GPA range of 90 to 92.999:

Seniors: LeAnn Adamy, Nichole Angell, Aaron Chubb, Kara Didier, Gretchen Heins, Michelle Howe, Ryan Hruska, Angie Kadavy, Janelle Kamrath, Jessica Marburger, Michael Matulka, Kimberly Micek, Donnie Moravec, Joshua Peddicord, Rachelle Riha, Haley Robinson, William Skretta and Willis Smith.

Juniors: Ashley Bell, Scott Bohaty, Ryan Cameron, Ryan Jones, David Supancheck and Darek Vandenberg;
Sophomores: Jesse Albers, Daryl Crook, Mark Griffiths, Tyler Helgoth, Megan Jones, Molly Lensch, Heidi Otto and Grant Petersen.

Freshmen: Bruce Hassebrook, Brante Hayes, Eric Hoshor, Emily Palmer, Dustin Petrik, Michelle Schmit, Nolan Shore, Kyle Timm and Carey Trowbridge.

Eighth-graders: Scott Angell, Janice Crook, Joseph Hilger, Sarah Korus, Thomas Lensch, Tara McMillan, Maggie Meier, Jessica Pickett, Stacy Romshek and Tracy Romshek.

Seventh-graders: Danielle Garrison, Elizabeth Ralph, Kevin Schatz and Jacqueline Sypal.

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