October 28, 1987
Baytown, Texas
Gentry Junior High School Honor Roll
When report cards were given out for the first sixth weeks, 105 students were eligible for honor roll.
Students on distinguished honor roll have grades 90 or above in all classes.
The students on the regular honor roll have grades 90 or above in all classes except for one which is in the 80s.
Eighth-graders on the distinguished honor roll are:
Travis Bryant, Tracey Clement, Suzi Du, Vince Howell, Darlene Jeffers, Erin Jeffery, James Palacios, Denise Perez, Holly Pounds, Kristy Roberts, Christy Robertson, Rustan Schaefer, Jay Shelby and Darren Wilson.
Seventh-graders on distinguished honor roll are:
Alecia Campbell, Sadia Chaudhry, Kim Ellis, Sarah Goerner, Chris Havard, Jennifer Kotlarz and Donita Wright.
Sixth-graders on distinguished honor roll are:
Rachel Albus, Jennifer Anderson, Laura Bazar, Patricia Beagles, Stephanie Bradshaw, Brandie Canon, John Carsey, Sonya Countee, Nikea Cummings, Kayla Davenport, Connie Daves, Misty Davis, Adrienne Duclos, Chrystie Dulick, Jennifer Enderli, Katie Foster, Jena Gentry, Jessica Girtman, Anita Golebiewski, Jesus Gonzales, Kristen Griffin, Michelle Hemminger, Leslie McQuitty, Martha Olive, Marcus Ramirez, Raquel Ramos, Stephanie Richards, Tikesha Smith, Lee Stone, Melissa Thorson, Kristie Vinson, Jamie Zlomke.
Eighth-graders on regular honor roll are:
Anthony Bohannon, Melanie Christensen, Greg Cornelison, Kristen Crawford, Sonya Davis Gladd, Damon Gates, Heather Grant, Gena Hanson, Shana Hoffpauir, Staci Holzaepfel, Heather Keen, Chad McHugh, Mickey Mickenheim, Bryan Montgomery, Amber Pinson, Monica Ruiz, Krissy Shah, Clint Shelby, Dana Thibodeaux, Natalie Weitz, Aaron York and Amy Zee.
Seventh-graders on regular honor roll are:
Jason Bazar, Thomas Cutter, Wendy Dangerfield, Donovan Dempsey, Rodney Ferguson, Shawna Gray, Robin Hudson, Karen Hyland, Allison Keene, Carl Krogness, Tisa Lopez, Brett McRay, Joanna Pytel, Brandi Waltman and Shelley Westendorf.
Sixth-graders on regular honor roll are: