February 8, 2000
Eaton, Ohio
Eaton High School Honor Roll
Honor roll named
Eaton High School has released its honor roll for the second nine-week grading period of the 1999-2000 school year. Included were:
Grade 9
Bartholomew Bischoff, Andrew Bruns, Abby Clapp, Megan Ferriell, Callie Jo Gant, Whitney Gilbert, Scott Hauser, Amanda Heitzman, Jacqueline Kelly, Kami Ketron, Brandon Kirsch, Rebecca Lee, Chad Maggard.
Also, Jessica Maul, Ami Eldene McDivitt, Erin Prifogle, Erica Seagraves, Jared Sorice, Ashlee Taylor, Holly Taylor, Derek Venable, Bonnie Wolfe, Megan Marie Wright, Sarah Wright.
Note: Robbie Mitchell's name was inadvertently omitted from the first nine-week grading period honor roll list.
Grade 10
Joslyn Abner, Angus Acton, Morgan Adsit, Erica Arnett, Kari Benge, David Burrell, Stacy Copley, Carrie Jean Deacon, Amber Gartrell, Stefanie Guntle, Megan Hans, Brett Hill, Ashlee Hughes, Sara Keller,
Also, Jerod Marker, Angela Napier, Heather Roberts, Melanie Roth, Kathleen Sikora, Nicholas Tatum, Paul Theobald, Elaina Unger, Nicole Ward, Olivia White, Jill Wilkinson, Kristen Williams.
Grade 11
Leah Bischoff, Megan Carver, Faith Clark, Kyle Dafler, Elizabeth Deaton, Wayne Eck, Katherine Estacio, Jeffrey Johnson, Douglas Mitchell, Jessica Neanen, Danielle Schrage, Angela Silvers, Beth Ann Silvers, Carrie Tomblinson, Melissa Zovak.
Grade 12
Daniel Bell, Clinton Brubaker, Kristen Callaway, Steven Combs, Erin Dykes, Shane Elliott, Kristie Feriell, Courtney Griffith, David Holtzmuller, Teah Jackson, Patricia James, Michelle Johnson, Jaclyn Keller.
Also, Melissa Killen, Erin McConnell, Linsey McGhee, Derek McMechan, Joni Moore, Derrick Myers, Elizabeth Napier, Takisha Parks, Benjamin Price, Chris Schulte, Betha Smith, Eric Weaver, Jacob Welch.