From the Pine Bluff Daily Graphic, December 18, 1914
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Pine Street Elementary School
Pine Street.
Section I.
Allie Banks, teacher, B
Third Grade -- Bennie Baim, Darwin Caldwell, Frances Crutcher, Clarence Corder, Arthur Illing, William Darby, Elsie Miller, J. C. Reeves, Ethel Sauerbrunn and Louis Singer.
Section II.
Reno Altschul, Frank Bridges, James Franklin, Floyd Hoskins, Chole Koonce, Dorothy Killian, Edwin Levey, Hattie Marcus, Mosley Cross, Harry McLaughlin, Charles Wales Ragland, Durwood Reynolds and Robert Wilcox. Class leaders -- Reno Altschul, Durwood Reynolds, J. C. Reeves and Frances Crutcher.
Room No. III
Maxine Mathews, teacher
Margaret Riat, Ward Poole, Bernice Smith, Ray Pearce, Limia Keeler, Clyde McFadden, Helen Sawyer, Galbraith Gould, Erwin Scott, Martha Lee Laminack, Fred Fox Benton, Freddie Dietrich, Naomi Lee Jones, John Times and Marie Tomlin. Class leaders -- Margaret Riat, Ray Pearce and Galbraith Gould.
Room IV.
Leinad Byrd, teacher
Class leaders: Bessie Brooks and Ed Parkes. Honor roll: Allie Mae Cozart.
Room V.
Ida Robertson, teacher
Class leaders: Virginia Anderson and Elizabeth Gammil. Honor roll: Jack Gugenheim, Truman Newton, Elizabeth Gammil and Virginia Anderson.
Room VI.
Moree Burks, principal
Honor roll: Frances Dietrich, Rufus Martin, Durand Tomlin, Pauline Brewster, Ophelia Brewster, Elizabeth Burks, Nellie Spurlock, Sara Stuart Wall and Mary Toney. Class leader: Sara Stuart Wall.