April 11, 2002
Hillsboro, Kansas
HHS honor students recognized
Seventy-two Hillsboro High School students were honored April 4 at an honors banquet sponsored by the high school site council.
Those students who maintained a 3.5 for the three nine weeks of the school year, along with parents, administrators, and HHS staff, were treated to a pizza and salad meal.
High school principal Dale Honeck said that the 72 students represented approximately a third of the student body.
He also said that the scores the students received on the state assessment tests supported the students' achievements honored that evening.
Guest speaker for this year was Dr. Doug Penner, president of Bethel College in North Newton.
Penner challenged the students to find meaning and passion in what they set out to do.
After Penner's speech, the students were honored with an H-letter for their first time receiving the honor or a bar and certificate to place on their H-letter for two or more times receiving the honor.
Those students honored were: Seniors — Josie Bartel, Nicholas Bartel, LeShell Bell, Amelia Brandt, Adam Driggers, Ross Duerksen, Shelby Estelle, Risa Fadenrecht, Layne Frick, Trista Hanley, Danielle Horn, Jesse Janzen, Jenna Jost, Kara Kaufman, Jocelyn Kliewer, Shannon Kroeker, Holly Lindsay, Robyn Penner, Jonathan Regier, Tara Schultz, Julia Wall, Jordan Woelk, Adam Woods.
Juniors — Candace Barkman, Adrien Bebermeyer, Jessica Boese, Andrew Brubacher, Angela Claassen, Aislinn Conrad, Caleb Dirks, Laci Frantz, April Funk, Jodie Hiebert, Alisa Jost, Dustin Jost, Elise Matz, Katy Nixon, Scott Nuss, Tania Penner, Cheryl Prieb, Brandon Ratzlaff, Daniel Ratzlaff, Graham Ratzlaff, Melissa Schierling, Lisa Suderman, Megan Vogel, Melanie Wiebe.
Sophomores — Cierra Ediger, Katie Fast, Jared Fish, Danielle Goossen, Kelli Just, Allison Kunkel, Derek Mayfield, Aaron Miller.
Freshmen — Gina Andrews, Katherine Baltzer, Luca Blackburn, Kirsten Cederberg, Charity Davis, Marissa Diener, Derek Hamm, Sara Hamm, Kelsey Kaufman, Hilary Lelek, Stephanie Loewen, Emily Railsback, Emily Ratzlaff, Jaimie Steketee, Heather Stepanek, Thomas VanWart, Whitney Washmon.